What's a beginner friendly programming language to learn for someone with no prior coding experience?

What's a beginner friendly programming language to learn for someone with no prior coding experience?

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js, learn once, apply everywhere, literally. All answers below are wrong


it depends on what you want to do with programming. Python or JS would be reasonable first places to start if you're not clear on that; otherwise, something more domain-specific might be better. what do you want to do?


the super secret hacking tip: learn what your friends are learning

Learn programming with JS and once you've done that, drop it and find a real programming language.

I want to use a game engine to make a 2D game

godot and gdscript

>I want to use a game engine to make a 2D game
right—in that case, maybe Lua with something like this would be best: love2d.org
i'd fret less about the exact choice of language, though, and instead pick something and get going. decision-induced paralysis is no good


Anything else is baseddev tier.

You'll have a horrible time learning it as a first timer tho, but the rewards it brings you with time will all be worth it.

Python is fine. Extreme ease of use, and its poor design choices are obvious instead of subtle.



On a serious note. C# is easy, fuck Python, fuck basedwebdev shit. C# is the obvious candidate, only negative is that you'll be stuck dealing with micro$hit spyware dependencies but hey you probably don't give a fuck to begin with.

Learn C first and you'll understand so much shit that modern "programmers" haven't a clue about. Move to the easy shit after and be a God amongst others in that field.

Just use gdscript in that case like says.

Attached: 1638676888607.png (1917x1080, 1.78M)

As much as I hate to say it, the answer is probably JS or Python.
Use Unity like everyone else. It's extremely well documented and there are tons of tutorials. You might actually get to release something someday.

C++ and SFML


>shit that modern "programmers" haven't a clue about
I wish people still cared about packing structs