There's no reason not to use pic related. It's easy to install, modular and customizable...

There's no reason not to use pic related. It's easy to install, modular and customizable, and will virtually never break if you maintain it properly. Come home.

Attached: archlinux-logo-light-1200dpi.7ccd81fd52dc.png (8000x2659, 245.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sorry but windows is just better

sorry but is just better

Who cares who uses what distro? There's essentially not much difference between them.

Linux Mint works fine on my machine.

runs systemd, so no thanks

I just use Arch Linux Archive and never have to update again.
I don't run a server, so I couldn't care less about ""security updates""

I update once every 2 months if I feel like it

Kubuntu is fine for me

you shut up

Extremely based.

Fedora just works.

>windows refugee
i like apt...
my distro Just Werks(TM) as well

They pretty much all work. After close to 20 years of Debian I wanted a change. I tried Manjaro, didn't like it. I tried Arch didnt like it. I tried Void couldnt get passed the installer. Tried Gentoo and really liked it. Been close to a year now and have been pretty happy.

all my files are currently on windows

>easy to install
There are better installers
How so? Because you can swap muh kernels? Like on every distro?
>and customizable,
There are better distros. Try going sysd-less
>will virtually never break
Dumbass claim. By giving the user no instructions and no reliable way to gain knowledge, you are inherently making the user fail
>if you maintain it properly
Arch is a fucking terrible distro.
Come home white man of modern times

Attached: void_fg.png (177x29, 1.85K)

Hope you have fun fixing both of your systems at the same time

I don't care what you use, but i can assure you, void does what your distro does, but better

Attached: void_linux_vibe_check.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

Attached: Void lol2.png (1440x2560, 1.37M)


Every distro is used by a tranny, and if it isn't it will be. Your point?
I'm a proud white man and none of your
>Buh... TRANNY USE THIS!!!!!!
doesn't bother me.
Go tell me a technical reason i shouldn't use a tool.

any mildly popular distro is 'easy to install, modular and customizable, and will virtually never break if you maintain it properly'
that's not a feature of arch, it's the desktop linux baseline

>mildly popular
If anything, you should look into the software that the distro provides you with to maintain your system.

You can BRICK YOUR SYSTEM if you do
$ pacman -Syu package
insead of
$ pacman -Syu && pacman -Sy package

>Every distro is used by a tranny, and if it isn't it will be.
Yeah but not every distro like Void or Debian make it their lifeblood.

>easy to install
you know what? I've spent some time this week trying to build a minimal arch for containers thinking it would make a good alternative to (say) alpine and gave up completely.
packaging on arch is anything but modular. at 109MB, "gcc-libs" in the base install pulls libs for fortran (lol) or objective-c (lolwut).
glibc on arch is a big fat package including every locale and keymap, which every other distro has split into different packages to avoid cluttering the system since years.
whoever builds this packages has no fucking idea or has a very different goal from "modular", maybe a "build a fat base image and not worry much about deps after install", but then why call it minimal?

they post about BLM all the time. they love trannies more than normal

Holy shit. You told me to install void three times today already. I can't even.

Retard fell for the meme
Go use your gentoo you gook

>BLM all the time
One tweet from 2019 = all the time.
When you install void you definitelly to sign up for a bbc ass spreader and not just use any open source software

Get better material retard. No real reasoning in this thread.
Racist is proven to be a symptom of stupidity.