Thoughts on header only libraries?

thoughts on header only libraries?

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Coping mechanism for the lack of a proper package format/manager.

nobody cares about C anymore, gramps

they never last
there's always something that makes more sense to link against rather than recompile for every compilation unit
eigen is making my 250 line header and 300 line unit test take 14 seconds to compile at -O0

jesus christ, get out of your cave and touch fucking grass in the real world. Move on from C, c-nile. You aren't badass or cool for using C. It's like riding a tricycle to work instead of a bike - your faggot ass just making it harder for yourself and your aesthetic signalling is shit cause no one cares.

Verification not required

very based and comfy to use. timeless and enduring design

You are very upset. I will write my next project in C.
This will make you more upset.

>rust trannies can only bitch and derail threads

sounds like someone got filtered by C.

I like them. And since adapting my header libraries to modules will not be hard I prefer them.

In the time your faggot ass takes to write a single header file, I have a complete command line application working:

use clap::Parser;

/// Simple program to greet a person
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Args {
/// Name of the person to greet
#[clap(short, long)]
name: String,

/// Number of times to greet
#[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 1)]
count: u8,

fn main() {
let args = Args::parse();

for _ in 0..args.count {
println!("Hello {}!",

$ demo --help
clap [..]
Simple program to greet a person

demo[EXE] [OPTIONS] --name

-c, --count Number of times to greet [default: 1]
-h, --help Print help information
-n, --name Name of the person to greet
-V, --version Print version information

cope faggots

Attached: file.png (662x620, 73.42K)

the autism is strong with this one

I are you to even attempt to duplicate this functionality in a static-compile-time-check and safe way.

I know you can't, so don't bother replying, faggot

I don't say anything about Rust. Rust lives rent free on every cniles head.


>static compile-time checking

This means nothing.

static compile time type and memory checking*

thank u :)

>static compile time
This is the part that means nothing.

raygui is my favorite