Want to try librewolf

>want to try librewolf
>follow the (very succinct) build instructions
>doesn't work
obviously i'm supposed to run some kind of configure step but i don't know what, why does the readme lie like that?

Attached: file.png (883x232, 25.24K)

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>obviously i'm supposed to run some kind of configure step but i don't know what, why does the readme lie like that?

Attached: 1647980361073.gif (390x373, 2.54M)

use librewolf-bin

i want to compile it myself, so i can add some more patches later

brew install firefox
simple as

>git clone [email protected]:brave/brave-browser.git
>cd brave-browser
>npm install
>npm run init
>npm run build
>just werks

What distro are you on, and where is it failing?

I compile Librewolf myself, on Gentoo, and utilize my system libraries. Never had a build fail.

don't care about your cryptoscam nor niggers that fall for adverts just because they claim it makes them "brave"

>just werks
just: command not found
this is bullshit

>still shilling firefox botnet

Attached: 1641679085594.png (755x591, 75.26K)

>literal unsecure javascript botnet nightmare

it's not even a matter of distro, the repo this readme is in does have a makefile that has the targets they talk about, but the tarball they tell you to download doesn't for some reason.
i tried downloading a tarball from gitlab directly but it doesn't contain the submodules, and idk how to clone the repo without an account

git clone --recurse-submodules ?

requires an account


sorry i don't want to create an account on your shitty website

>tfw built 3 lfs systems and still don't know how to build librefox

Attached: 1648904224509.jpg (210x212, 7.74K)

Build system issue. Just use one of these:
nix build nixpkgs#librewolf
nix build nixpkgs#brave
nix build nixpkgs#firefox
nix build nixpkgs#chromium
nix build nixpkgs#ungoogled-chromium

ewwwww NixOS

>on arch
git clone aur.archlinux.org/librewolf-bin.git librewolf
cd librewolf
makepkg -si


fucking dropped. I hate brave shills so much.