Steam client in 2015: fast, efficient, streamlined

Steam client in 2015: fast, efficient, streamlined
Steam client in 2022: slow, buggy, riddled with pointless "features"

What monkeys were put in charge of this project and why is it so shit now?

Attached: steam client.jpg (732x412, 27.45K)

Pajeet and Rajesh

t. steam insider

it was shit ever since they switched to chromium

Steam client in 2005: slow, buggy, riddled with broken features
>What monkeys were put in charge of this project and why is it so shit now?
Its always been shit.

>Steam client in 2015: fast, efficient, streamlined

>Steam client in 2015: fast, efficient, streamlined
Said no one ever
At least they pumped money into infrastructure, nowdays on a big sale it doesn't shit it's pants anymore

i hate pointless features so goddamn much

You can use steam which have a lot of features but is laggy
Or use epic game store which have 0 features and is also laggy

>Steam client in 2015: fast, efficient, streamlined
lol, bullshit, I remember playing civilization 5 and steam would use one full core on my cpu when I was playing online.

Worked on my machine.

He's talking about the client itself, not the serverside crap (which indeed was always bad), you retards. The client was fine while they mostly kept using VGUI-based stuff. Once they started adding more and more Chromeshit (new chat, library, settings and download stats page), it all went to shit. A lagging, bloated pile of Chromium shit. And since nu-devs at Valve has no knowledge of C++ and VGUI, you better buy some more RAM if you want to keep using Steam, they're eventually going to remake it to be a 'web'-based app like Basedcord.

>three? four? different in-client currencies (remember gems?)
>built-in chinese/russian money-laundering service for gacha game drops
capitalism, op. capitalism is why the steam client is shit. that's not even getting into 'abandoned 'big picture ui that's a requirement for using the controller they also later abandoned' that's a further symptom of how valve is shit,

Steam was always shit and still is. But that's nothing when you consider it's malware/drm shit;

steam client was never "good"

>Worked on my machine.

Attached: 1617657226065.png (814x788, 69.67K)

>wait microsoft are developing an app store? pivot to big picture and the tenfoot ui! (abandoned)
>peope sure do like spotify, and we can extract rent from people selling their game soundtracks on our service. what if it could play mp3s? (abandoned)
>wait this thing called "discord" is becoming popular? time to redo client chat, yet again, and this time we can sell sticker jpegs and animated whatevers

nooooooo you can't just have a list of games you bought with a button that launches the game, we have to drive engagement so people might buy more stuff (client collapses under its own weight) why would pirates do this...

no that's not the problem with steam.
Steam could go the discord route and just use electron and that would be not ideal but fine.
Or steam could use something like Qt which is great and also has webviews for all the store stuff.
Steam as it is right now is broken on all platforms.
Its file pickers do not bind with the standard xdg one. Hell they do not even work well even on windows
go ahead and try inserting a new download location on windows you will see the same fucking file chooser.

The problem with steam is the fact that it is a program from 2003 through and through. Just look at the issue list.
Valve makes a ton of good stuff like steamrtt and proton and other APIs. I just wish they remade the client from scratch at some point with a proper GUI toolkit.

Attached: file.png (439x426, 50.24K)

>Steam could go the discord route and just use electron
i have news for you

Ever since Valve got rich off their monopoly and in-game item microtransactions, they have no reason to do better. Gaben has more money than he can spend in a million lifetimes so he couldn't give two shits.

>he doesn't put "-no-browser +open steam://open/minigameslist" in his launch options

Attached: sshot-005.png (376x562, 16.51K)

in linux, this is just steam -no-browser

Please do the needful, sir.

Attached: file.png (768x1024, 1.05M)

valve are a garbage company bro. they'll keep adding gacha features and flashing lights and animated profile whatevers to appease the Drive Engagement gods, whether or not the client collapses under its own mass is irrelevant as long as userpages can look like your 2003 xanga

What about the "minigameslist"?

fairly certain its just a browser inside of VGUI.
I would rather have them use Qt or put actual effort into rewriting all the crappy parts
i dont mind all that stuff.
My issue is with things like file uploading and basic performance.
If you go to View> Small mode it keeps it even on restarts

it does to that page automatically, or you can switch to it View > Small Mode

Why can't games be sold without drm faggotry? Also, steam was always shit. OP is a fag.

>put actual effort into
see, here's the problem... so long as they can continue extracting rent from developers, and laundering russian and chinese gangsters' money via the "community market", why would they do that?

>install game
>uninstall steam
>game still launches
many such cases


i think they're putting their efforts into hardware now. they had their steam controllers, valve index, and steam deck.

>garabge company
>not putting in effort

They have been shitting out endless RnD projects all of which have brought the whole industry forward

>out of the steam machines experiment they developed
>big picture
>steam controller
>hardware steamlink

>which became software steamlink (pc to tv network streaming) and the steam controller config (usability for all controllers without third party software), for free for all users

>out of the vive headset contract they developed the Index, the best VR set

>out of the big picture experiment came steamOS and massive funding for vulkan and proton

>both the controller experiment and the steamOS development has come the steamdeck, which is furthering linux, vulkan and proton

abandonware, may-as-well-be-abandonware, and soon-to-be abandonware lol. transparently attempts at 'whoops we never saw smartphones coming, maybe if we hope enough these will be the next iphone??'.

Webshitters ruin everything they touch

>Why can't games be sold without drm faggotry?
they can and they are
steamworks drm != steam
you are a dumb faggot