Why doesn't Any Forums like Sublime Text anymore? Why the hate?

Why doesn't Any Forums like Sublime Text anymore? Why the hate?

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Sublime Text got a big reputation as a hipster editor at some point, probably because of the name. These days it's one of the few modern multi-cursor editors that's still written in based C++ and not a bloated Electron app.

Because vim exists. Also VSCod[e|ium] for the faint of heart. This hipsterware could fuck right off since day one.

retards switched to VSC because FOMO
non-retards sucked it up and learned emacs or bought a jetbrains license

Any Forums here, i never liked it in the first place

Because unless you are a web developer, you will learn your way around a terminal in any actual programming environment. And the result is always going to be either Vim or Emacs.

Graphical text editors are not for Any Forumsentoomen. Never have been.

JS got efficient

I still like it

but emacs is largely a GUI text editor

It has the ability to be a GUI editor or more due to its powerful scripting and ability to render more than text, but it is still usable as a TUI

because were flavor of the month retards. been that way for 15 years or whatever

It is generally a TUI editor but using it in a terminal emulator is generally discouraged (and stupid).

Using Emacs at all is generally discouraged (and stupid).

Closed source trash.

it's not free

not universal like vim
not free like vscode
not extensible like emacs
not easy like jetbrains

it simply has no reason to exist

I use it regularly for when I just want to note some stuff down or or make some small edits to a file since it opens so fast. For anything larger I'll usually use VS Code.

i tried it but the vim bindings kinda sucked and conflicted with everything
also i like lisp and writing lisp in anything but emacs is a pain

What is the open source alternative to it in this regard?

VS Codium. It's pretty cool, thanks to Open VSX.

it opens as fast as sublime?

I thought you were asking about alternative to VS Code.
For quick and fast edits you can use vim or gedit.

VSC usually has more updated and well supported extensions for the stuff I do. Which is mainly just scripting stuff for modding games.