Who gives a fuck about privacy? There are 330 million people in the US. 8 billion in the world...

Who gives a fuck about privacy? There are 330 million people in the US. 8 billion in the world. Why do you think you're interesting enough that anyone gives a fuck about you? Oh man he watches porn and CSGO clips for 9 hours a day. Grow up. And these libertarian retards who talk about muh freedoms and fascism and don't realize how safe they are because the US has eyes everywhere. They don't realize how many dangerous organizations have been killed off. They don't realize how many countries and people want to hurt us.

Attached: vice.jpg (960x1440, 206.1K)

nice b8, m8, but there is a simple fact that destroys your retarded shit:

>Why do you think you're interesting enough that anyone gives a fuck about you?
companies literally pay a lot of money for information and research regarding their (potential) clients

Yes and? They do the same for 8 billion people. It's an automated system that gives a selected advertisement and does the same for everyone else. What's the harm?

The federal agent cries out as he strikes you,

Also realize you wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for advertisers. There is a reason it's free. Youtube and all the websites on the internet can't exist without this so be thankful

low iq detected

I'm on paper 122 iq

>they do the same to everyone else!
>therefore it doesn't matter!
non sequitur. not a valid argument

you don't need an account to use youtube. they show ads that some users click on, that's all they need to make money.

liar detected

>non sequitur. not a valid argument
You have to say why it's harmful first place you never did that. Also yes it is an argument. If it's being done to 8 billion people it is completely different than some sort of targeted harassment that you're trying to suggest. You become anonymous in the sea of identified people.

aggot glow

Why would you think I'm lying? It's not even that impressive. My best friend has on paper 139 IQ.

So lower than a tranny, okay.

>different than some sort of targeted harassment that you're trying to suggest
Automated and ubiquitous harassment is hardly better.

It is actually. There is no harm being done. No one is reading your file. No one cares

>Also realize you wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for advertisers. There is a reason it's free. Youtube and all the websites on the internet can't exist without this so be thankful
I miss the days before the web was universally monetized. If advertisement and the sites that depend on it go away, then all the better. Literally nothing of value is lost.

Attached: 54es.png (251x225, 76.6K)

companies want to know what you eat, how much you shit after that, your passwords, details of your bank accounts, details about your family and people close to you, your
companies are made of people, want to make money, and if they could make money by stealing from you, by extorting you, by selling your data to your employers, etc. they would, and they will try to get as much data as possible for their objectives.
also, the fact that some processes are automated doesn't mean shit. the NSA automates the whole surveillance process, yet their employers watch nudes of random/close women all the time.

you have to be kind of retarded not to understand these simple facts. having to explain it to you clearly means you ARE retarded, probably have never worked a single day in your life or something, because this is something tech people know very well. yes, we WILL read your shit if we have the possibilty or if we are asked for (and paid for it).

Being blasted with advertisements from the minute I wake to the minute I go to sleep is already harm being done.

Attached: cover6.jpg (800x450, 227.19K)

It's the price of having technology. There is no alternative unless you're willing to pay $60 a month for Youtube and multiply that by every other website you use.

Are you really implying people aren't getting filtered and cancelled because of political opinions that they revealed online?

People who are interested in making vidyas public can self-host them. There is nothing technological about it, only financial.

I think you're a schizo and you need to spend less time on Any Forums. They aren't doing that and they don't care. Youtube has other things that make them way more money and they aren't going to jeopardize billions of dollars by selling your bank details to Russians and watching women change lol

Computer technology has led to a world where "they" want it possible to track the motive, choice and behavior of every individual on the planet.
Computer systems are envisioned to be capable of this.
Computer systems will be developed to analyze as much as possible in real time,
Not to serve "the people", but to effortlessly control their actions and reactions.
A world where you stay in line with whatever demand those on top deem correct, regardless of outcome. Wether you know it is happening or not. Wether you like it or not.

A world where a Smug Party Prick can decide if your value, whatever metrics qualify that value no matter how asinine, is high enough to be kept alive.

Imagine a boot stamping on the human face, forever.

This is the brain power we are working with

When some gov try to bash your basic rights like was on Australia, China, Canada a while back... you'll see why you need privacy: to not be a commodity for big corps and governments.

stop being a faggot lazy

Not an argument.

What does that have to do with privacy? If you don't want to be canceled don't post your political opinions online?

Part of privacy is being able to make statements without being trackable.

I'm sorry I concede the billions of youtube videos on Youtube can just be self hosted by every individual person. This will definitely work

How do you expect to post something publicly online without being tracked? If you have your name on your profile people will know it's you

You've been hanging out with too much of those great reset qnon people my man. Touch grass. Life isn't that bad

Why would every individual need to self-host every video on the planet? Most individual channels have an amount of videos that is easily and trivially self-hostable.

Another part of privacy is not having to have everything you write tagged with your real name.

Maybe you've been hanging out too little with them? Learn to hate sin and the antichrist. It's actually good for you.

>Learn to hate sin
pretty sure gluttony and envy are sins

How would people find out about these channels? If there is no video search bar and no recommendations and no advertisers (to make money). Would I just go on Google and search for websites that are self hosted csgo clips. I would have to know of the guy before hand obviously or just randomly click through self hosted websites looking for interesting videos? How are these people going to make money? I'm not donating money to the 234th search result on Google of some guys self hosted CSGO clips.

They are indeed. Learn to hate them.

you're playing the devil's advocate well, but you don't sound aware of alternatives. sites like peertube are pretty viable for a youtube alternative.

>the internet is literally unusable without recommendation algorithms
You know people could and in fact did use the Internet prior to 2010, right?

>How are these people going to make money?
See .