99% of distros copies macOS

>99% of distros copies macOS
>distro's users complain macOS is exactly like it
Explain this.

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Attached: apple brainlet soy chips.png (1200x675, 347.34K)

Attached: applelgnome.png (889x1200, 644.33K)

Plasma is the best DE by far

t. Derek Taylor

because it’s based 💯

>2011 macos looks better than 2022 gnome

Attached: 1646304582176.png (700x1080, 608.18K)

more like 2005

Attached: filepicker_meme.png (2440x1689, 909.3K)

Linux users can (and do) choose not to use GNOME, macOS users can't choose not to use Aqua.

literally one says that

if that was the case then apple wouldn't have copied gnome's titlebars 🤣🤣🤣


GNOME doesn't infect you with GRIDS though

99% of distros use gnome and the original creator of gnome uses macos

Attached: 1618436148458.png (768x520, 553.4K)

never happened

DE != distro
anyways tiling WM master race fuck useless bars.


I'm poor

This is why KDE is superior

if you are a software engineer you can't waste your time (money) on Linux. MBP only

Linux people be like, what desktop environment and software installer do you use