Hooks! Props! Single page apps! State! Components!

Hooks! Props! Single page apps! State! Components!

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I think you may have had a little too much react

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Remember back in the days when all you needed was Ruby on Rails?

Now to build a hello world todo app you gotta install Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, and write code in React, Next, Style-Components, and compile with WebPack and Yarn and whatever the fuck. You need a goddamn package manager to import shit libraries like left-pad. Holy moly.

All of that happened exactly thanks to Ruby on Rails.

Ruby on Rails was the high point of the web development timeline. CRUD + HTML snippets lmao did the job.

Just use PHP it doesn't require any of that

>when you land one one of those creepy HTML only dinosaur websites from the 90s that doesn't even have a single useState hook or Reactive(tm) components

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what are hooks

The newest version of Ruby on Rails unironically returns to monke by jettisoning all JS. Interactivity is done by sending pure HTML over a websocket.

That seems like a bad idea for almost all use cases. I think my ideal setup would be a Rails app that acts like an API (sending JSON data) most of the time, but also serves main html pages. then use JavaScript to do all the Ajax stuff. No front-end frameworks needed.

If you've built any decently big app you know that managing ajax by yourself to manipulate the DOM is huge cancer. Being able to compose components helps, but it still doesn't fix caveats like re-validation on mutation and such.

Remix doesn't have this problem.

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>Single page app

Cancer genuinely needs to die

I don't mind JavaScript libraries or reusing components - I'm not suggesting reinvent the wheel. There are plenty of good minimal libraries that do the dirty work for you when it comes to managing components. The problem I find is using Vue/React/Angular from the ground up.

But then again I don't like SPAs so ignore me if you're building an actually application.

SPAs are also terrible for UX, No one in the world thinks showing a skeleton UI or a loading spinner is good UX, it's better to just have your data already there.

is it me or does this shit have the worst defaults? you load a vue page and all your see is {{ }} all over the place because it isn't pre-rendered. who the fuck thought this was a good? did we not learn anything from ember js?


im still coding php 2.3 applications
i bet i am literally seeing ghost codes, codes that written by a long dead one

If your UX suffers because your UI is so reliant on your "data" the that just sounds like you don't know what you're doing

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Ah yes, my blog app doesn't rely on any data, you just imagine the blog posts.

I'm sorry I assumed you had some actual experience 😅

SPAs are okay it just sucks when they break HTML standard behaviour, like not using normal anchor tags for links and breaking open in new tab. fucking up the deep linking, so you can only reach a page by clicking and not by an URL or the tab keyboard button not working in form elements etc etc.