Why the fuck do most programming languages still use the "=" for defining values? It's retarded

Why the fuck do most programming languages still use the "=" for defining values? It's retarded.
It leads to stupid counterintuitive expressions like "a=a+1" and forces you to use idiotic stuff like "==" in order to just say "=" like any mentally sane people would.
To all prog. language makers out there: STOP using "=" for assignment. It's retarded. Use ":" instead. Or use ";". Use "|". Use "#". Use "@". Use "&". You have an entire fucking keyboard to choose from. Stop stealing "=" from equality.

Attached: c24e915ed6027bbe8ed64adce498f62e.jpg (1000x1000, 71.42K)

but = does mean equality
a = 3
a is now equal to 3

Why do mathcels sperg out about = all the time. Just fuck off dude

Programmers are failed mathematicians.

My field is like yours but practical

>gets paid less
Mathematicians are failures at life

Sent from my Xiaomi - Redmi Note 9S

(setf var 4)

mathtards' opinions don't matter, since they suck hard at writing good code

>code monkeys paid 500k+ starting salary junior
fake & cope

because it’s not true until after the assignment. it’s assigning a value to a label, not equating a label to a value.

>. It's retarded. Use ":" instead. Or use ";". Use "|". Use "#". Use "@". Use "&".
All of these have other uses and none of these make sense for assignment.

Anyway, I like :=

imagine being too autistic to write code

Given that the vast majority of languages already use it as convention, there should be no reason why any new language should stop using = for assignment. It's what programmers will expect to use. If it confuses non-programmers then, well, too fucking bad.

There are open source programming languages out there. Make it to your own taste. Problem solved, faggot.

Languages other than C exist.

A computer program is a set of INSTRUCTIONS. You are TELLING the computer program to make A = A + 1. It is not an expression, it's a statement to be executed. Jesus Christ, you want the alternative of typing -> or := every time?

Pascal used := for assignment and = for comparison which is more "mathematical" but also more annoying to type.

it's "counterintuitive" for about 5 minutes
reducing the very minor learning cost is not worth the cost of changing from long established convention
do you have any other stupid comments or suggestions?

Assignment is one of the most common operations in programming.
'=' is easier to type than all of those alternatives.

i like this image.
its symbolic.

what’s your thoughts on

Yes... and most of those use = for assignment too, dipshit.

Name one non-meme language that uses something other than = for assignment

k uses :

Mathematics major
30k starting
1 or 2 jobs available

Bootcamp chud
Thousands of jobs available
100k starting

never heard of it. meme lang