SerenityOS managed to hit 100/100 on acid3

SerenityOS managed to hit 100/100 on acid3.

Attached: file.png (1174x686, 248.92K)

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Also Linus(not torvalds) might come out as trans as most male developers seem to do
I guess he wants to live the easy life of a female.

Attached: firefox_GYLbl3OZXt.png (1366x768, 1.04M)

in comparison here is firefox.

Attached: file.png (1366x776, 37.63K)

It should however be noted that you should be getting 97/100 because of a change is web standards.failing tests 23, 25, and 35.

The site itself is no longer maintained and updated to reflect changes to standards.

97 on FF and Chromium, 100 on Internet explorer.

Attached: file.png (688x668, 34.43K)

i'd hit a 4/100 on acid

yes that is due to a change in web standards as i said here.modern browsers should get 97/100

can I compile this browser for linux?

SerenityOS uses a patched version of Acid3 that better reflects modern standards, as seen in the address bar in: It will get 100/100 in modern browser with forced HTTP, or 99/100 if the page is loaded in HTTPS.

I've noticed Andreas and Andrew together sometimes, is this a sign of a Serenity x Zig crossover?

Linus is good people.

Nah, just two bros who appreciate one another

you can try porting it.

>these FACKING sjws are too easily triggered!

Why are you like this?

there is a well known incel-to-trans pipleline, and vice versa

There is work to make serenity's LibGUI compile on Lagom (outside of serenity). See

makes me happy seeing how far this shit has come along in just 4 years

Damn, linus tech tips must have been through some rough shit lately. What happened to him?

user i respect a man that decides to live his life in easy mode.
Hardmode is only for videogames.

So what webpages can it actually load now? Because I last tried it like a month ago and it couldn't open shit.

Open? Yes, I think they added some missing SSL encryption stuff. Render? Meh.