The screenshot tool in gnome 42 is actually perfect. every complaint i've ever had about it has been addressed...

the screenshot tool in gnome 42 is actually perfect. every complaint i've ever had about it has been addressed. It's crazy how it actually just works. Thank you based GNOME team!

Attached: 1648779211637.png (1920x1004, 397.06K)

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It's good but I wish I could screenshot + no window borders
Like if I'm playing a game in a window and I just want the game content without the titlebar and shit

Flameshot is the only screenshot tool worth using

Attached: flameshot.svg.png (512x512, 23.67K)

One improvement I'd really wish for would be integration of the screenshot tool with tesseract for OCR. It'd be cool to be able to draw a rectangle on the screen and get the text out.


ksnip felt better to me

that sounds like an easy extension to make

>it can't create a clipboard only screenshot
>it always creates a file
>gnome is actually perfect


ever heard of keybinds and/or settings?

bindsym Print exec flameshot gui

we're talking about gnome 42
keybinds to capture screen to clipboard have been removed
there are no settings other than the OSD you get when you press PrtSc
holly shit retardo

you mean
sudo pacman -S flameshot
cd ~/.config/i3
nano config
bindsym Print exec flameshot gui cntl+o cntl+x

now you have the functionality of a basic windows program. congrats.

an excerpt from my sxhkd
This works way better.

Attached: Mar31:23-12-53.png (393x107, 3.71K)

Right, explanation for Gnome-plebs.
scrot takes the screenshot for the whole screen, both monitors. -u takes just the current window. -s takes what you select with the mouse.

wrote a python script for that its for some reason its pretty shit. 80% the times it works but breaks formatting or inserts weird stuff despite the text being clear english.
Idk what the problem is should be easy to do but never worked for me.

based,got rid of greenshot

Do you realize it's just a copy of the MacOS one. Everything Gnome "does right" it's just a copy from OSX.

God I hate maintainers so much it's unreal

but does it have image previews in the file picker

based GNOME chads fooling linux cucks into appreciating superior operating systems

>Everything Gnome "does right" it's just a copy from OSX.
Such as?