The biggest problem of videogames right now

I'm starting to think a single guy could create an AAA game as big as the 50 hour meme JRPG, alone.

Totally doable, but I'm 100% sure that is more an issue of optimization, developing new workflows and tools and rellying on automatization.

It's more an optimization, workflow and productivity problem than being an impossible task.

The problem is that the retardo gaming industry has enough resources to not put money to solving this issue, and just relly on pre industrial art methods and 1920 T ford model of factory production.

Is a giant industry using dinosaur obsolete methods where is cheaper to hire more people than optimizing the workflows.

And indies are utterly talentled hacks who are afraid of reading books about software engineering.

Attached: p2pb19s9b8p51.png (480x640, 274.27K)

fuck off back to your retard board, retard

you got it, now be a good goy and buy the next unoptimized fifa that changes barely anything

you have zero idea of:
1) how games are made
2) the diversity of highly specific training required to create a AAA game

you're a naive retard that doesnt realize that gaming companies are wasteful and stupidly ineficient.

Actually user, you have a good point. this is how Atari innovated coin op games in the '70s, they let single developers or small teams make a focused product. It works, but the money side of things needs to be solid so the devs have the resources and pay to make a good game. Atari ran into issues with Bushnell's poor management despite their dedication to quality games.

>I'm starting to think a single guy could create an AAA game as big as the 50 hour meme JRPG, alone.
Sure. It would only take 20 years or more.

One person, alone, takes years to write a novel. Now you want them to do that, and all the artwork, and write all the code, and the sound effects and so on?

It's a tool issue more than anything.

>gaming companies are wasteful and stupidly ineficient.
You seem to be leaning on a false dichotomy when in fact both poles are true : a single person could not produce a AAA game AND large companies are surprisingly inefficient at producing AAA games.

I mean look at dwarf fortress.
All done by one guy

The biggest killer of projects is underestimating just how much work is required.
Before you start a project it looks small but this is just an illusion.

I am not saying that there is not a whole lot of wastage in the game development industry but that does not mean a single person can produce an massive AAA title.

>voice acting, story writing, motion capture, 3d modelling and texturing, level design and testing is a tool issue
retard. procedural design already exists but it's of limited usefulness.

it was a joke, but my point still stands.

the nigger gaming company is stupidly ineficient.

A lot of fundamental issues.

>Game is buggy
then make a common framework standart or library or engine between multiple companies that is open source and focus on making a single genre like FPS or JRPGs.
Define a criteria for a standart solution that can fit the industry.
Join forces, dont reinvent the same fundation.
Use the bazaar methodology.

>Game needs 50 hours of levels
Define what are the technological issues, develop a semi automated system to develop a level based on artist input, without having to put every tree or npc, also generate collisions and objects with scripts attached.

>Characters need 50 hours
Automate the most you can, relly on machine learning and modular pre made blocks, make some software like koikatsu.

BOOM, 95% of the cost reduced now.

Yes, but also no. Do you have any idea how long it takes to build a good 3d model of (say) one monster or one car?

Modern games suck ass. They're so bad that the trend now is "remakes" of classic games to generate profit. Which in and of itself is not a bad thing but then they go "oh wouldn't it be great if we changed this or add this", soon the game ends up being nothing like the original its based on. Which was the whole point of doing said remake. Does the RE-2 remake follow the classic game? Hell no. Graphics look great, but the game play and plot line is fucked. Funny I don't remember any orphans home part in the original RE2..

>ascii dungeon game is AAA

95% of asset creation can be automated.

Relly on reusable modular parts, CAD guided blueprint techniques and Machine learning.


I take it you've never written a complex program before.

It's basic manufacturing processes from WWII nigger.

Not my fault you haven't read a single book on industrial processes from real industries and not pajeet simulator industry.


good bait high quality

It's almost amusing how little you understand what you are talking about.


not my fault the code monkeys at the gaming industry dont read books.

>Everyone in this billion dollar industry is wrong and I'm right.
Dude, if you're so bright why haven't you made millions with your idea ?

because that's what I'm trying to do?