Why aren't we excited about tech anymore? Why isn't there new revolutionary tech for a long time?

Why aren't we excited about tech anymore? Why isn't there new revolutionary tech for a long time?

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Tech got globohomo'd and is now used exclusively to subjugate

we don't get excited in general, it comes with age. that's the appeal of streamers, you can watch someone getting excited so you don't have to do it yourself

We don't have any interesting CEO's to tell us what to be excited about anymore.

describe your computer specs

It's all I need.

Attached: Thinkpad 364X.png (800x600, 14.63K)

theres your answer

>Why aren't we excited about tech anymore? Why isn't there new revolutionary tech for a long time?

None of it was ever revolutionary. It just seemed to be because you were coming from a simpler existence. All "modern" tech is essentially revised/improved 1940s era tech. The fundamentals of how electronics work have not changed since their introduction; the only thing that changed was our ability to shrink circuits thus allowing for smaller products or more capability in a same-size product.

And, for many forms of processing, analog computers that use voltage measurements to determine input and output are substantially faster than their digital counterparts. Analog computers can also be done mechanically.

Digital computers' main benefit is repeatability; they are comparatively inefficient for data processing and performing even basic arithmetic.

>Tech got globohomo'd and is now used exclusively to subjugate

Pretty much this.

Because tech is so widespread already, so people take it for granted

>we don't get excited in general, it comes with age
Why do you have to be so mean? That means no new tech, no quantum pc, no nothing will bring us back to our youth. Just why?

>t. retard that doesn't know anything
The electronics is from the 70s not the 40s and even now there is research with regards to semiconductors. Analog "computers" were never turing complete, electrical instruments have also become digital because of how much more a processor can do besides simply taking measurments. This also the reason why control systems and other traditional uses of analog computers have become digital (like even radio is digital now)
The same as in analog
>inefficient for data processing
In contrast to analog where you don't even have memory?
>basic arithmetic
How the fuck do you think you can do arithmetic in analog computers? Analog circuits can just do integrals and derivatives really fast but that's without even accounting for noise which is significantly stromger in analogs. Besides that tech has evolved on other levels since the 70s, like for example networking, the internet, user interfaces, operating systems, programming languages, more efficient architectures, parallel processing/multicore processors, gpus, fpgas, asics, data bases. Most of these things hadn't even been concieved in the 70s and others changed fundamentally until the present

>t. retard that doesn't know anything
Oh there you are, the retard who will play the role of "smart guy". All he needs is one or two google searches and suddenly he goes from fucktard to expert in all fields.

>The electronics is from the 70s not the 40s and even now there is research with regards to semiconductors.
Why not try reading what I wrote. The fundamentals of electronics never changed. They replaced vacuum tubes with transistors and rotary converters with MOSFET-based switch-mode power supplies BUT the mechanism has not changed. You'd have to be exceptionally stupid to believe that digital computing today is any different than it was in the 1940s.

>Analog "computers" were never turing complete
Raising an irrelevant point as if it entirely discredits analog computers - the hallmark of a 40 IQ google result quoter.

>electrical instruments have also become digital because of how much more a processor can do besides simply taking measurments.
Ooof... you clearly don't know shit about analog computers but you're going to screech about this. Digital processors represent numbers digitally. That's all they do, and this can be a good or bad thing.

>How the fuck do you think you can do arithmetic in analog computers?
Wow, you're going to reply...opening up by calling me a retard, then you ask this. Was your goal to remind us what stupid looks like in text form?

>different ways to do the same thing
The power and performance cost in performing a task that can be accomplished by either an analog computer or a digital computer almost always favors an analog computer. Only a true imbecile who actually knows nothing would post what you posted unironically. Good thing its anonymous, huh? Wouldn't want people you know to find out what a fuctard you are.

What this asshole does is quite exciting

Attached: file.png (2560x1440, 2.88M)

>update 96
>2023 edition
>our best iDildo yet since a year ago since we last released our best iDildo yet

yearly incremental updates ruined any excitement

exciting in the same way that a car crash is...

Attached: 1648759214747.gif (572x640, 2.56M)

We abandoned flying cars and moon landings. We are now in the metaverse/nft/snapchat/instagram timeline.

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People are excited for technology all over. Nu4chan is nothing but blind contrarianism, bait, and old men whining about meaningless shit anymore, so that's why you think nobody cares about technology anymore.

Everything is about reinforcing surveillance now and pushing unsolicited ads into the faces of users. It hasn't been that long since we used pop up blockers, but now we're punished for ad blocking. The market exists for businesses, everything being built in the image of office computers with all sorts of preloaded garbage software and management chips meant to enable administrators to monitor all your activity (even when you buy the computer for personal use, you can't just say nope I don't want the chips for this on my computer/laptop.)

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People got burned out by bullshit.

wish I could understand either of these posts

>Why aren't we excited about tech anymore?
Looks like consoooooomerism to me. I'm glad no one here gets that excited over a pointless product anymore. It would be embarrassing if you ever did.
>Why isn't there new revolutionary tech for a long time?
There hasn't been any revolutionary tech since like the 50s. Maybe GPU's in the 90's but that's a fucking stretch.