Does anyone else use Cinnamom because KDE, despite being the best-looking DE (imo), has higher security risks...

Does anyone else use Cinnamom because KDE, despite being the best-looking DE (imo), has higher security risks? I'd rather use Openbox, but there is no taskbar that looks as good as KDE's and Cinnamon's. Then again, none of them support the more secure Wayland.

Attached: 1280px-Cinnamon-logo.svg.png (1280x1280, 64.32K)

cinnamon is the perfect DE

Well, except KDE, but it's still insecure

Attached: Budgie.png (1200x1200, 60.85K)

>Security in DE
>"KDE does not support the more secure Wayland"
it does.

Please kill yourself. Sage.

I corrected myself here , should have been more obvious. Anyways, I think it's fair to say that XFCE is a lot more secure than KDE, due to being simpler in general. And, indeed, aren't there less vulnerabilities reported about it? So I don't think DE = insecure really stands.

I use KDE with Wayland, don't know wtf you're talking about

Anyone using Wayland purely for security reasons needs some clozapine.

What kind of security risks?

You do realize you can run KDE/Cinnamon's taskber in openbox right

I used to run KDE's taskbar in i3

That's interesting. How did you do it?

More reported vulnerabilities doesn't necessarily mean it's more insecure. KDE is more popular than XFCE so it naturally will have more reports.

MATE is better.

>Good looking
They copied the win32 style and made it more shit.

kde will not last long as most of it's maintainers have aids/ an heroic thoughts

Attached: gayDE.jpg (1280x720, 51.96K)

>MATE is better.
int currentYear = 2022;
String MATE;
if (currentYear == 2010)
MATE = "MATE is better";
}else {
MATE = "MATE is depricated";

Well shit, that'll be the end of Linux desktop.

kde was no future for a linux desktop. it's far too bloated and not very fast. would not recommend.

>can integrate kde applications and qt seamlessly
Chad LXQT > Weak Fuck Cinnamon

>kde was no future for a linux desktop. it's far too bloated and not very fast.
>lives in 2012 unironically
KDE is lighter weight than XFCE and has been since 2016.
lol crawl out from under that rock once in a while.

So Linux desktop has no future?

>KDE is lighter weight than XFCE
that's the most retarded fucking nonsense i've read all day. it's quite obvious you've never used XFCE.
>So Linux desktop has no future?
never did.

>KDE, despite being the best-looking DE (imo)
you're fucking delusional user fr fr no cap

Not him but while XFCE is still ~50MB lighter in terms of memory, its applications are slower due to GTK.
It used to feel light back when it was all GTK2 but nowadays, neither performance nor memory footprint are proper reasons to use it because 50MB is less than a browser tab.