Is ownership in Rust just std::move in C++?

Is ownership in Rust just std::move in C++?

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-03-31 03-21-20.png (588x502, 48.7K)

Nah, it is just Rust fans getting owned.

Attached: KnowYourPlace.png (1756x2062, 243.31K)

No. Every single heap allocated object in Rust is move by default, but ownership ensures that there is only one owner of a resource. This does not exist in C++.

You got things mixed up, user. Nobody here knows how to code. It's all a LARP.
And the ones that know how to code (me) don't use current toy languages like Rust, V or Zig.

>mfw all i do is C and Python

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Why participate in a thread about programming if you don't actually know programming?

so its std::move except enforced?

Yes, but Rust ownership is stricter than that.

sounds like C++ can implement this by adding compiler flags to making copy constructors illegal

Impossible without breaking backwards compatibility.

Ownership is actually a bad thing.
It stops "race conditions" - however data races are _not_ a bug; won't fix
Yes they correlate with memory errors, such as use after free, but it is an inelegant solution. Furthermore, by effectively locking resources (compare to: GIL) it isn't really a "zero cost" abstraction, even if you try to frontload the work to the compiler.

>(compare to: GIL)
This has nothing to do with GIL. Please suggest a better option to prevent human errors.

Unironically GC
Just because you wrap your language in a bunch of buzzwords doesn't mean you get to violate the CAP theorem (which is ultimately what's being attempted with the ownership model)
You pick a GC'd lang like Go for "safe" concurrent code, and use a lang like C as your "unsafe" blocks.

> Any Forums: Rust is full of mindless zealots!
> Also Any Forums:

Garbage collection comes with big performance issues. Which is why discord replaced their Go projects with Rust.

Assembly in the top 10...

>C more popular than JavaScript
lmao imagine being so far out of touch with the reality

c/c+ chad reporting in

ownership exists in sepples too that's what raii and smart pointers are for

Compiler flags not even necessary, just assign delete to the copy ctor. I do this for all my classes as a matter of good hygiene

Apparently, an even better way to do this is to inherit from a simple base class with deleted copy constructors + assignment operators. boost::noncopyable provides just such a base class. I do not believe there is a compiler flag to do the same.