Dependency hell

>Dependency hell
Steam Proton
VS Code/Clion
Google sheets?Microsoy 365

Linux has solved all its problems in the last 5 years.

Attached: cardboard_box-1.jpg (840x518, 97.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Linux has solved all its prob-

Attached: 1641521505819.png (700x1080, 608.18K)

OP btfo
when will he ever be able to view thumbnails in the file picker?

Not Photoshop. Gimp is a poor imitation.

>Somehow have files labeled from 2013
>Newest file is 2014
Kek. Try again, toddler.


Attached: 1647887168143.jpg (374x334, 16.06K)

Flatpak only works if you have exactly the right version of each 'basic' system library, which is only the case on ubugu, it doesn't work for shit.
The availability of a frontend to see which games are available for windows does not mean you have games available.
VS code is a joke, clion is cancer, but IDEs have never been a problem on linux.
Online-only office is borderline useless.
AMD does not provide nvidia drivers.

Cope, seethe, dial 8.

This problem only exists if your filenames are unix timestamps.

fpbp OP eternally BTFO
kys loonix Jay

Adobe Creative Cloud Express.
What do you mean?
What distro do you use? Major games like Elden Ring are available in Steam Proton.


You were the one arguing about games.
>onb4 w-wasn't me

By far the biggest problem on Linux is the lack of a good display server.
And seeing how incompetent Wayland devs are it might take 5+ years to solve this.

yeah it was me (i am a nigger gorilla penis retard fart googler) so keep on harassing me

I use the Mutter wayland compositor. It's pretty nice.

Doesn't fulfill my needs.

What are your needs?

That is gnome your fucking nigger, just use KDE Plasma

At the very least working VRR.
By "working" I mean actually working and not """"""working"""""" the way it is on KDE Wayland and Sway where you can enable it but it doesn't do what it's supposed to.

now if yall can make the apps worth using

Seems to be an active WIP\, GNOME is working around the missing Wayland protocol.

>Flatpak only works if you have exactly the right version of each 'basic' system library
Fake news, flatpak is shipped in all the distros and it will download any missing system library when needed. You are thinking of appimages.

And I hope they manage to implement it correctly, but seeing how they're upvoting what that brain damaged KDE developer Zamundaaa is posting I'm very worried GNOME will end up with the same kind of broken implementation that KDE and Sway have now.