Few updates, mostly security

>few updates, mostly security
>leaves new bugs and regressions to Ubuntu/Arch/Fedora fags
feels good being stable Chad

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>few updates, mostly security
>leaves new bugs and regressions in the repos for 5 years for the users to cope with

post neofetch

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Debian releases about every 2 years not 5, and there is backports repo with newer software if you really need it (you don't)

not OP

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I liked it but honestly its so bloated and pulling shit out often broke my DE, needs a min install like buntu

very based setup.

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I was almost going to do a very minimal i3 or awesomewm install. I started to think about all the different packages and configuration you have to do. Like adding pavucontrol to the status bar, there is a lot of stuff like that. Not worth it. Hopefully they add some window manager options on the next Debian release.

have sex, instead of wasting time on "muh minimalism"

>that font rendering
stick with Gnome/Plasma

post neofetch

How do you get new libraries that you might need for software development?


never needed "new" libraries, you are cnile developer aren't you?

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fat fucking neckbeard, post your neck you fucking loser.

debian does have a minimal installer, and it's really good imo, it's just hard to find. Look for the debian sid minimal netinstall, the .iso will be called mini.iso, it's about ~60mb.
thanks, here's my much older install, more multipurpose desktop.
my laptop has 240 dpi, I have bitmap fonts on intentionally. They are disabled by default on debian
on stable, backports, or web.
on unstable you can get pretty new packages

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I don't really like having an applet on my toolbar for audio, I just have pavucontrol as a keybind and it pops up on top in floating mode

so much this
>weather widget breaks, because they change the backend url which is hardcoded
>debian is stable
>wanna patch it on your own? lol

>ubuntu stackoverflow about it Aug 31 '16, answer edited Oct '16 that it was fixed
>malding about a 4 year old bug for some bullshit weather applet

with the information you get from a widget you might as well just go outside and check the weather yourself.

>use ubuntu for years
>switch to debian because i'm too cool for normie distros
>take the time to configure debian
>it's fine
>install ubuntu because it's the same thing with saner defaults and doesn't require any configuration, aside from removing snapd

yeah, i don't see the point, sorry.

How about the old ass version of kde plasma 5.8 and all of it's endless bugs. No thanks. I'm on 5.24.x and never looking back to Deborah and Ian pozzed spyware distro.

Debian is only stable in the sense that it's unchanging. If you've ever tried upgrading a Debian system between versions, you would know how much of a shitshow it is. Meanwhile Fedora SIlverblue handles updates and rollbacks perfectly.

>debian bookworm uses plasma 5.24.3, sid uses 5.24.3
>bullseye uses 5.20.5
>buster uses 5.10
>stretch uses 5.8

stretch is OLD-OLD-stable you fucking idiot.