Do I need to know math to be a coding genius?

Do I need to know math to be a coding genius?

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Would you rather be a coding genius or make a million dollars a year

no, i droped out of middle school and im a coder genius


Coding doesn't require math... but algorithms require math. and algorithms make the money

Ah yes because mathlets make 1mil/year. More like 30k/year as waiters or maybe $300k/year if they sell their soul to become a stock market predictor (but literally any quant person like an engineer could do that).

Depends on what you mean by genius. The guy who made whatsapp couldn't solve leetcode / math shit and yet it's one of the most profitable apps ever made.

this is why i'm gay

you literally just glue stick up libraries, it's funny. but with encryption somebody must've helped him or it's also just a library away, haha the state of webdev is funny.. good thing i'm a cnile and I know what a pointer is, hahahah, amirite Any Forumsentlemens?
also even if it's false it could be true

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There's no shortage of self-centered fags that do the same attention-whore shit.
Abstracting everything to frameworks to make software as fast as possible is pretty genius to me.

what's more genius in your opinion
making the library or using it just to earn money

women can already drive, i don't want them ruining another hobby of mine.

>but with encryption somebody must've helped him
user, it's not complicated to add cryptography libraries to an application and utilize them. any low iq spastic can do it.

Does she know how to use a laptop?

>making the library or using it just to earn money
both are genius

Do you want to be Gennady Korotkevich

Do people really put stickers on their laptops like that?

but Stallman has GNU logo stickers so these are exceptions

>found some dusty old books
>set them up and upload pic
>take books back to the attic

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You need to know math to get a degree
Therefore, math is the bare minimum to minimum wage cuck, the bar for coding genius is way higher than that. Have you installed gentoo already?

> why do companies reach out to a bootcamp grad with no degree?
> must be the skills and not because im an attractive white woman
Bootcamp shills are the worst

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