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shit, what were you using? "video ad blocker, for twitch"?

wait i just found out it was disabled thats why it stopped working

wtf now it needs permissions to change data on

yeah, the app is going to tell amazon (i.e Bezos) that you're skirting ads so he'll ban your twitch account permanently. RIP

what the wtf'ing fuck?

dev decided to be brave, and inject his referral code into your amazon

Kill yourself zoomer

Attached: killyourself.jpg (480x269, 11.39K)

Figured it was referall code update. I don't mind it, he deserves some money.

just use mpv

Twitch is for nigger cattle

uninstall, the dev made it closed source

so you guys never watch tv or movies or what? isn't it the same thing really reuploaded non jewish version

fuck off nigger zoomer
go shit up Any Forums

i thought twitch ads were encoded directly into the video stream so you would still see them in mpv

but i guess maybe not?

see genuinely curious why pseudointellectuals think they are better for not watching twitch when they probably watch tv / movies / anime all the time. Its all just entertainment

>isn't it the same thing really

>i thought twitch ads were encoded directly into the video stream so you would still see them in mpv
>but i guess maybe not?
ye, no, you don't. While ads are playing you just see a screen saying "twitch is playing ads" with a countdown

there's a difference between art and mindless entertainment
it's ok, I don't expect you to understand it

I watch highlight videos streamers post on youtube. The livestreams themselves take way too long and I can't pause/forward etc. Sometimes I watch old vods on twitch.

>so you guys never watch tv or movies or what? isn't it the same thing really
no, streams are just a way for retards to cope with their shitty lives. Even good streams (the number of good streams is countable on your fingers, not that I'm hoping you'd be able to count much further than that) are a pain in the ass to watch... well... live and are mostly a waste of time.

>so you guys never watch tv or movies or what?
No. I only watch YTPs and classic AVGN

Attached: pepe texudo walk.gif (300x577, 279.14K)

>I don't mind it, he deserves some money
I hate zoomers so much it's unreal.

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tv is for women, movies is for zogpod bug "people" and twitch is for sóyfilled zoomers

Boycott botnets

Don't run proprietary JavaScript
Use streamlink
Fuck the Jews