Move in to older apartment because muh city life

>move in to older apartment because muh city life
>can't find a network socket on the walls
Wtf is this, except electricity i only have the following socket. Which is fucking internet??

Attached: internet.png (800x600, 44.93K)

based retard

fucking boomer sockets

the Klingon one

middle one

one of them is a coaxial retard you need a cable modem

Checked. 220V Internwebz are the shit.

Fuck off zooming piece of shit, stop shitting the fucking board. Jump off a cliff and die nigger.

it's time for you to use wifi ideally 5GHz or get a powerline ethernet adapter.

>not using wireless electricity

*blocks your path*

Attached: 1629768751235.png (1200x799, 161K)

How the hell did you even managed to find Any Forums?

the reversed face one is wifi, put there a NGR type usb

have you only ever lived in apartments all your life? didn't your parents ever have a house? you can't be this clueless

this is why you use lasers user

inverse square law still applies retard

Modern developments in Canada still haven't made ethernet drops 100% standard lmao

No Internet for you, sorry.

>because muh city life

good post. concisely made your point. 9.5/10

a yo where da wifi cable be at