Fuck Adobe

Your daily reminder that not only is it okay, but a moral obligation to pirate Photoshop.

Attached: file.png (227x222, 13.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Adobe Photoshop\AMT\appliction.xml
increase this number by one for unlimited trial

Attached: ps.jpg (550x35, 6.54K)

> buying/renting photoshop

good to see adobe still not even trying

Your daily reminder that Adobe WANTS you to pirate Photoshop if you would not have paid for it anyway, because it perpetuates their market dominance, and that you would be better off using anything else, even another commercial nonfree product.
The only good thing Adobe has ever made is a font.

>using proprietary software

No thanks, I'll use GIMP instead.

winiggers are braindead cattle

they have market dominance because the software is excellent, and competitors haven't been able to come close to what they've been able to make.
> viable competitor on linux: nothing
thanks for playing: "i'm a stupid fucking retard and i can prove it one post". let us know when "GIMP" becomes a benchmark for all image editors. (that'll be never).

actual fork of ancient adobe photoshop
maintained by saboteurs

they don't care if you pirate it
you are using it you are in their ecosystem
they won

I literally have to because the CS4 suite disc I've been using for years can't be legally activated anymore.
They shut down the activation servers, so fuck'em.

I'll crack CS6 at some point but I've got no confidence in software piracy.

notice how adobe shills never reply when these facts are presented

I've downloaded PS like 5 times already
But I can't run it, loonix here
Should I keep pirating it then?

>they have market dominance because the software is excellent
No, the software is good because they have market dominance, which means big gobs of money for R&D. The name of the product is a genericized trademark and a byword for digital image editing.
And even then, only PS is really irreplaceable in CC. Most of it has plenty of viable alternatives. Half of it isn't even that good.

why should I care about troonix software that doesn't even amount to 1% of what photoshop can do?

>pirate Photoshop

You don't even need Photoshop anymore.


Attached: affinity_photo_icon.png (1000x1000, 531.17K)

Well I pay 25 euros per month for premiere pri for the last 5 years. But I make lots of money from it

freetards go reeeee

>implying gimp can compete with photoshop

Have you found out how to draw a circle yet?

why don’t you actually address the point

Ditch Adobe and come home.

Attached: adobe-alternatives-4.png (2212x2277, 558.08K)

My CC subscription pays for itself in less than one hour of work. Casuals can fuck off with GIMP or mspaint

I use Final Cut and Logic, but I can't live without Photoshop.

Our only hope is that adobe pulls a final cut x like blunder that makes people move platforms professionally. I'm an actual old fag editor that remembers moving from avid to FCP to premiere it takes a lot to make pros change course. I personally am very intrigued by DaVinci but all my collogues are on CC and collaboration is a big deal.

I have the option to use a legit license for free, but I still rather use the pirated version without all the crappy Creative Cloud bloat

what bloat?