Remember when you could buy software at walmart? 90s software packaging design was peak kino

remember when you could buy software at walmart? 90s software packaging design was peak kino.

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the world we knew no longer exists

That exact picture made the X for Dummies writers millionaires

You could also walk into a bookstore and there was a couple isles of tech books.

You could also walk into a bookstore

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>tux on a pile of manuals

everyone had physical manuals and guides in the 90s. even your aunt who works in HR had tomes of manuals for excel and visual basic in the 90s.

It's all in landfills now.
Thrift stores and public libraries fell for the "it's old so it must be obsolete" meme.

i went to my barnes and noble and there were no tech books, none. just dumb jow to get rich and psychology books.

And it was always a pleasure to get them for free.

why do people conflate 'the 90s' with things that were going on in 2008

it really wasn't that great, it was just new and exciting at the time

it's like how how literal boomers remember 60s and 70s cars as so great when the majority of them were slow and fell apart, maybe a handful of people were lucky enough to have the best of the best back then and it was rad, but for your average shitkicker things were objectively worse

this is still the case
this is still the case

Because alot of the things that where going on in 2008 was a result of alot of people getting their first PC experience in the late 90s which was back when you purchased all your software physically.

Some places where worse than others, I seemed to have lived in an aera where everyone bought a PC in 1998 and kept it till the early 2010s and people kept the same mindside throughout all those years

it's not my fault that the english language is an inbred shitfest

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What country are you from bro
Let's hear your native language

Yea, I still purchased a lot of games like Halo CE online though because they don't ID you.

Can you not do this in America now?

I still remember that old-school big-ass computer store when I was a kid. It had an entire aisle for clip-art collections. Not a few boxes, not a shelf, an entire aisle.
I bought Half Life Blue Shift there.
I miss shit like this, just for browsing.