How many of you actually care about the whole "crypto will replace fiat currency" purpose?

How many of you actually care about the whole "crypto will replace fiat currency" purpose?

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how the fuck did you deduce that's a "purpose" and why do you imagine anyone cares about something that you just made up on the spot?


that question makes no sense

moderate your cryptobros if you want to really moon faggot
if you want your tech to be taken seriously, you must not let people use it for scams

/Thread. As long as it has to stick them out of being a Ponzi scheme scam, it will never even remotely take off as a fiat currency alternative (and that's assuming governments can't and won't find ways to take control of it. The government already taxes crypto having a truly distant currency like crypto fags describe is impossible)

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I'll care when it's founded on pure free software and hardware

Don't care. The "Replace fiat" purpose is like the Mayan calendar.

is silver technology?

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sure, just like the horse carriage and betamax

it is now easier and cheaper for a european country to buy petro using BTC than dollars

>a lot of ignorant folks in this bread

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I am willing to use it as a means of exchange.

Crypto is a meme

what kind of retard would bet the farm on a store of wealth that is completely useless in a power outage?

Crypto does have potential to be useful but that would require it to abandon all of its "decentralization" anti-state snake oil. It would (at least de facto) become new fiat currency that formalizes the virtual make-believe dollars we already spend.

ok mister cryptobro, what's stopping you from buying gas with crypto?


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user you can't post crypto on this board because all of Any Forums is eternally asspained we didn't buy 10k BTC when it was like $5 when that other user was begging us to

t. person in infinite cope for the past decade

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

user... nobody is assblasted that we missed the train on some trashy meme train, god cryptodler tears are the best

>nobody is ass blasted that we could have bought something worth $471,398,000 for basically a $5 investment in 2009

sure user

maby one day you can sell your cope nft to a greater fool lmao

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That sounds counter intuitive. Care to elaborate?

who is talking about NFTs here you fucking retard
we are talking about BTC

its all blockchain isnt it? or have someone ported it to use regular SQL databases allready
>TFW cryptobros hate fiat so much they value their play money in it

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The actual problem is digital currency replacing fiat currency.
When that happens, any kind of freedom will be completely erased.