I can't take Wikipedia any more. The deletionists...

I can't take Wikipedia any more. The deletionists, admins and "extended confirmed" users have ruined the site for 20 years. You can't escape Wikipedia because it is in the top result of every search engine, even privacy search engines and most other sites just quote it verbatim if you try going on alternatives.

Wikipedia literally made me mentally ill with all its lies but I know the editors on the site are even more mentally ill. I hate the checkusers in particular, especially Zzuuzz, who is a britbong which makes it worse.

Wikipedia was supposed to be the site that knew everything, but there are xbox-huge sized gaps in the coverage thanks to deletionist and reverting idiots who have "this user is a non-binary furry" userbox on their user page. Once a wikiaspie decides you're not notable, they won't let you have an article despite how many sources you have. They even have a WP:OTHERSTUFFEXISTS page to use when you point out contradictions in their "policy".

Just block Wikipedia.org in your firewall already, don't even use it for "early life" sections because you know they are lying about those as well. And if your a Wikipedian reading this, you need to resign right now. Wikipedia should have shut ages ago, but idiots keep donating.

Attached: 200px-Wikipedia_mini_globe.jpg (200x300, 10.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

aclu.org/files/natsec/nsa/20140722/Why Are We Interested in HTTP.pdf

My cousin (who is a leftist but doesn't think he's political since he agrees with CNN) donated to Wikipedia. I told him that it was a shitty biased site that spends way more on salaries and conferences (hookers/blow) than on hosting. He then got mad at me for mentioning something political that was contra-leftistism, when he had said many things which were anti-right. But nooooo, you can't heckin' say a politic.

His mom is dying and we haven't talked much since then, but I saw him when I was visiting her, and it was civil. But we can't really be in a group chat anymore.

>Wikipedia literally made me mentally ill with all its lies
you are already mentally ill user, take your meds

i use britannica

i dont read wikipedia. just click sources in references, sometimes it leads to book discoveries


Come home, white man.

Attached: $_57.jpg (1553x1600, 302K)

>move page to TITLE on Wheels!

ah fun time

genuinely mind broken

I didn't ask btw

Where we're going, you won't need Wikipedia.

we already know

Retards ruined the web. Hopefully soon they'll all be out of a job. At some point the censorship gets so bad that something like wikipedia will no longer be allowed to operate. Who needs knowledge when everyone is brainwashed retard?

Your cousin is a slave that will follow anything the TV says is popular. Those people are lost causes. Don't waste time trying to help the blind see. He'll either see or he won't. If he doesn't is he of no value to you. He can never be trusted with anything important. He will never understand the concepts you understand. It's like talking to a 1st grader.

Attached: 8a1785dcb136494cc321b7e34685e17926d65b95bdec3a53f3888730c3792700.png (540x492, 185.21K)

>not supporting the current thing
user, you don't want the glowies knocking at you're door, right?

Well, this post let's me know that Wikipedia moderation is working just fine.
Take your meds

Ran by jews, what did you think would happen?

It's full of glowies and single purpose accounts for sure.

go back

Attached: 1630472949859.png (720x720, 499.54K)

Today on things that are totally and really epicly happen

>But we can't really be in a group chat anymore.
don't group chat with anyone.

[1]: aclu.org/files/natsec/nsa/20140722/Why Are We Interested in HTTP.pdf
[2]: nytimes.com/2015/03/10/opinion/stop-spying-on-wikipedia-users.html
[3]: policy.wikimedia.org/stopsurveillance/
[4]: page 356 aclu.org/legal-document/wikimedia-v-nsa-joint-appendix-vol-6-7
[5]: page 355 aclu.org/legal-document/wikimedia-v-nsa-joint-appendix-vol-6-7
[6]: see slide #9 "Fingerprints and Appids (more)" aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_document/168-34.ex_.30.pdf
[7]: archive.is/69f7s
[8]: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_EC_DRBG
[9]: archive.is/9TmLJ
[10]: archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/09/05/us/documents-reveal-nsa-campaign-against-encryption.html
[11]: propublica.org/article/the-nsas-secret-campaign-to-crack-undermine-internet-encryption
[12]: techspot.com/news/57316-nsa-classifies-linux-journal-readers-tor-and-tails-linux-users-as-extremists.html
[13]: arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/photos-of-an-nsa-upgrade-factory-show-cisco-router-getting-implant/