The winfags first time linux experience

>be me
>browse Any Forums alot
>used Windows all my life, decide go give linux a try
>go with debian because everyone says its good
>partition a section of my drive and back up shit
>flash an iso onto some shitty flash drive i found
>here we go
>"okay... choose a de?"
>"oh yeah kde is cool i'll go with that"
>"here i am!"
>"okay, now to install steam and chat with my friends"
>"how do i do that?"
>need to use the command line
>"okay... so like cmd then i guess"
>install steam and some other shit, get used to sudo apt-get quickly
>decide to customise my system more for comfy
>try dwm
>"so its like the same as any other program right?"
>apparently not, spend an hour or two configuring it to find out its all terminal based
>looks cool but i cant do much with it
>fuck this, try i3
>give up after a while, keep mucking around in the terminal
>cant do much with linux when it comes to creative work, programs like premiere dont work though photoshop is ported over
>go back to windows

it was comfy, but i think i just got a wrong distro or did something wrong. i didnt understand much so thats probably why i didnt "get" it so much. i'll return to it in a couple days when i have more experience with it in a VM.

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Stop fucking around and install Zorin OS.

Pop OS

+5000 social credit score got rewarded to your account. Don't forget to shill zorin in another thread user

What's wrong with Zorin OS?

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You sound like a larping highschooler.
>creative work
Kek, is this creative work cropping images on 4chin?
At least you tried going off your usual style Jay, I'll give you that.

Congratulations, you learned early that loonix is for the mentally ill and for people who have either extremely esoteric or extremely basic computer needs. Don't let the retards here meme you again.

You can't switch over to GNU/Limic expecting to use the same set of proprietary software (steam, discord, photoshop...) you did on Windows. The main reason for switching in the first place should be the that you want to use free software. Try switching out the programs you use on windows first (gimp instead of ps, etc.) To get used to free software, then switch to a free OS.

Discord runs on Linux though. Not that I use it.

Also no, I'd like to use an OS for free and Linux just works. It's not an ideological reason. Plus I like the user friendly terminal workflow for dev work.

As a distro, nothing, but I'm pretty sure there are devs shilling the paid release so they get more money.

>want to create a folder in /opt/
>somehow need root permission... when I'm logged in as root!
>duckduckgo the internet for solutions
>copy some command
>somehow lose root access completely

how did you do all of this on a kernel

>it was comfy
>>try dwm
>>fuck this, try i3
You're a retard and you inflicted this damage upon yourself.

>>want to create a folder in /opt/
For what purpose


You don't have root permission by default in any Linux distribution unless you build from source. You need to log in as root with the su utility or use sudo to get permission for those types of tasks so you need to make sure you have a root password when you do that.

Nothing wrong with it, bro. I have donated some money to them anyways. Support FOSS devs.

Why do you even need to create a folder in /opt/

its ok to "shill" if something good.
i dont see the magnitude of zorin mention like brave, you can know the product quality by the amount of shilling it needs

maybe he wanted to use opt for its express purpose instead of the philistines using /usr/local/

It's literal spyware

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