
I love this little fucker so much you wouldn't believe. And it's not even half as powerful as contemporary low-cost chips, but it costs just 2 bucks, can almost run on air alone and still has enough juice to poll half a dozen sensors while hosting an API server, a web console and a file manager via WiFi as well as making API client calls to the machines on LAN.

Why haven't you taken the microcontroller pill yet? If you have, what are you making and what chip are you using?

Attached: myesp.jpg (750x1000, 361.43K)

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Bumping with the older brother

Attached: wrooooom.jpg (2468x1484, 467.1K)

Well, in case this thread dies and someone is interested in learning about MCs, I recommend this as a starter: youtu.be/xPlN_Tk3VLQ

Sad really that not many people nowadays program their own controllers. It's immensely rewarding and useful.

il stick with my power hungry relay or 74XX/40XX logic, maby a gal or two

put raspi on jtag i/o and it can debug on fly

rpi? You mean pico? raspi is quite a bit more serious and capable, it being an actual SoC. What are you doing with it?

i'd love to get a tiny power efficient computer to dedicate my HTTP spamming towards. dont want to be leaving my power hungry PC on all night

Well, with Raspberry Pi's being outrageously expensive and SoC alternatives being complete shit (i've tried out 3 other diff brands, all are either unstable or lack proper support), your choice is either an ESP8266 or ESP32. The latter supports an actual real-time OS (FreeRTOS) for task management which makes it a real power-house. HTTP requests are also trivial. See examples after installing the board into Arduino IDE and read this: randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-http-get-post-arduino/

Attached: httpget.png (527x138, 19.38K)

is there a "SBC" that is x86 and doesnt take more than 5 watts and is dos compatible? bonus points if it has a printer port or GPIO

I don't think so. x86 platform is pretty heavy circuitry-and patent-wise as it is, the cheapest are like 90 bucks: all3dp.com/2/single-board-computer-x86-sbc/
But why x86? Why not go FreeDOS via QUEMU on ARM? They recently updated it and it's like 99% compatible with DOS including the most complex software, and ARM has more than enough juice to emulate DOS.

it needs to "just work", been wanting to throw together a dos application to control things (over a 2-wire cereal comm) and not have to dick around with dumb crap

next best thing would be 8051 based MCU doing all the talking but that arch is so old there is NOTHING around to be able to program for it

Thanks for the link bro. Have RISC-V MC/SOC became a thing yet?

Sort of: youtube.com/watch?v=4PoWAsBOsFs
Also ESP32 S2 contains a second ULV RISC-V CPU for tasks that need to run during deep sleep. And ESP C3 (the "successor" of ESP8266) is *entirely* RISC-V: espressif.com/en/news/ESP32_C3

Stm32g4 series look cool, shame they are sold out everywhere!!!

I bought one 2 years ago, copied a youtube vid and programmed it as a wifi disruptor that sent disconnect packets lol

how does it work as a api server? coding it in c++ must be a pain?

I have an Arduino. I played with it for a few weeks after buying it and then left it in my shelf for a year or so since I don't actually have any use for it.

Real man. Havent heard anyone mention GAL's since my college years

Attached: zzzn.webm (460x500, 2.91M)

schizo here, will i get cancer from my heyboard and mouse having arm microcontrollers? they seem to emit RF radiation even if wired, due to the oscillator clock

I work for a comlany company that engineers a brand of microcontrollers (not going too specific because no want dox). AMA

led was changed to a normally closed relay that had modem power adapter connected to it. got tired of walking across the house to reboot the modem.

Attached: remotepowercycle.webm (800x592, 2.87M)


Holy shit ESP32 is fucking awesome
I gotta get my head back into place and get some free time after work to keep fucking around with these.
A big-ish project I wanna do and have mostly gotten down, is to build my own PC case and use a microcontroller to be the power button, power led and storage activity LED.
If anyone wants more, I'll give you a quick write up of my plan for it, but if no one cares I won't bother