Fuck you anons

Welp I fell for it and now 12 hours in ive been installing gentoo on this 2001 shitbook. I would have installed adelie or devuan but nooo I decided to fall for the meme with the false mentality that "this is my right of passage"

Attached: IMG_20220329_235703_723.jpg (1080x1920, 191.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>128mb ram

install Calculate Linux. it's Gentoo for normies

its enough. what, are you some kind of emperor? want some cheese with that wine and a crown and castle????

"install gentoo" is a joke designed to make you waste time and effort into installing a distro which does not have an installer, silly

i peeled a win98 sticker exactly like that from some 1998 thinkpad and glued it to my 11th gen intel build pc case

It's "rite" you doofus.
Tell us about the picture.

seems like a self inflicted problem op

Upgraded to 415

Calculate gave up on 32 bit processors lol

install gentoo = delete system32

go back

kiss linux works better on it
arvl's repo has 32bit, netbook uses like, 24MB RAM for the base system

Install alpine it almost as light as gentoo and you dont need to compile

Nice, I had never heard of it. I imagine it should boot in 5 seconds on a modern computer.

Instead, gut the laptop and put a new RK3588 ARM in that mofo with 8 cores and a shit load of RAM larger than that.


>Let me guess
>you NEED more?

who are those females in the top picture

You don't have to shoot yourself on the foot and compile on that dinosaur. You can use a beefier computer and compile it for your laptop. This is what the Gentoo wiki recommends for installing on a Raspberry Pi.


wow that's impressive, is the Rock Pi 3A any good in comparison? I think that has a 3568

You can also take out the hdd and compile on faster pc just for the instalation

It’s very recent miniITX for that RK3588. In the last few weeks several even RK3588 smaller boards released that are very promising to fit inside an old laptop.

Have been looking at the Rock Pi and I think the 3568 sports fewer cores and/or not the big:little approach. The 3588 has 4 big and 4 little. Seems to be getting a lot of attention.

In particular, this little guy using the R58X board looks pretty good and smaller plus half the price, and if the R58X extracted and inserted inside that laptop case, would definitely fit with it’s lower headers.


Attached: 3025837D-4CDB-4A9C-9E59-6A175837FB1C.jpg (1000x700, 259.66K)

Honestly I just have it in a seperate room just doing its thing. I got a desktop pc with antix and windows 98 installed while Im waiting.