Filtering midwits since 1990

>filtering midwits since 1990
Pssh nothin personnel kid.

Attached: bnib_introduction_to_algorithm_1591879552_3c11ed06_progressive.jpg (810x1080, 57.73K)

it's just a table with a book on it user.

Youve never read that textbook fuck off.

It literally doesn't matter since 90% of the people who do CS just do it for the money, not to learn anything. You could be a tech wizard that can create complex algos and you'd still be broke until google find a use for you, just like that machine learning PhD.

CS dropout, dipped after I got filtered by data structures class. Currently working as an AppSec engineer doing DAST/SAST scanning.

>company has scanning tool
>i run tool on app
>it generates report
>send report to devs telling them to fix their code vulns
>they never fix it
>rinse and repeat

And I get paid 1.5x the average dev at my company to do this. I can't even code.

Attached: download.jpg (241x209, 7.44K)

it just so boring though.
how could anyone opt into reading this?

just a list of a bunch of shit.
tell me, how can I read this without getting bored?

It's fine if you can't, user, not everybody is meant to be smart.

Attached: LifespanDevelopment59.jpg (1158x486, 53.09K)

Never read it, got A in both algorithms classes I had (and one of the classes used the book).

Attached: ooooooo massa.webm (720x900, 1.1M)

are you telling me you don't get bored reading this?

Just solve each exercise in your favorite programming language.

I don't, no. But it's not a fiction book either, you're not supposed to read it in one go. It requires effort, not relaxation.

>how could anyone opt into reading this?
You're not expected to read it all in one go, but it is extremely good if you just dip into it and look at part of a chapter at a time.
It helps if you also have practical experience with the general sort of thing it is talking about.

How did you even get considered for the position? Certs? Nepotism?

I was making $85K doing that. I now do net testing with Nessus at $115k. Souless job

Step aside...

Attached: cover.png (749x941, 37.76K)

>Algos CS text
Sage and hide.

>applied combinatorics by tucker
Bump and sticky.

>reading books
you're the midwit here

No thanks, Im waiting for the new one

you also dont need to read it in order, and really you probably shouldnt

CLRS is pretty ok for reading in order. its just all the chapters on more advanced concepts that are more of a reference that you can jump around. otherwise, the beginning of the book is ordered pretty well, i.e. trees and sorting should come before dynamic programming.

>get JIRA ticket
“i’ll write the algorithm!!”

what a waste of my fucking time. thank god I make $150K writing JS/TS apps. And no, I don't give a fuck about your RAM.