
Based or cringe?

Attached: 1_mn6bOs7s6Qbao15PMNRyOA.png (816x816, 18.11K)

Cringe and bloat


Based cringe

pretty nice

it's nice, but it's not kotlin

jewish trickery for midwit goys

Based but its sort of bloated and type definitions should just be added to the language. Although you can use as little as you want. I would highly recommend it, prevents a lot of bugs.

I wouldn't say outright based, but it is certainly nice.

I like it. Maybe it will become redundant with ES7 but for now it really helps.

Cringe. People who consciously choose to use JS should not be protected from their own poor decisions

It just works.

Sorta based but at this point it'd be nice to have a robust runtime that just runs TS directly so that we don't have to keep coming up with bloated shitty project setups.
>inb4 Deno
I said robust.

>Ts playground

You’re using js right now


trying to fit a square lego into a round hole is cringe and retarded. js syntax itself is bloat and it gets pretty dumb with types and especially generics. just use an actual language and compile to wasm if you want those so much

Probably the only thing (((Micro$oft))) ever released that is not 100% garbage

ts is the best of the worst

Microsoft's consumer-oriented products are pure shit, but most of their development stuff is pretty good.

One of the greatest languages I have ever used.