Language of the future

Best accessibility/performance ratio

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golang fucking sucks, i love it

It's not bad. Many of the compiler errors are obscure as hell and undebuggable, which is the only thing I really take issue with. I also want a way to visualize type hierarchies, since they aren't explicitly created, but eh

Top two alternatives to Python?

I mainly work with C++ but I have a sweet spot for this language. We also have replaced some obscure program utilities with Go and it's really great

the regex implementation in golang is sloooooow


Clojure for general programming, Julia for science and math.

>Best accessibility/performance ratio
No, that's Clojure.



Sorry, when I read quickly I read "performance = ability to do stuff". My bad, I agree. It's still a sucky language, but it is fast.

>I have a sweet spot for this language
It's really comfy for some reason

how does it compare to C and C++? i saw it's syntax, and kinda want to get into it now

so basically, for stupid people?

they don't understand how to make a proper regex library.

exactly same

so it's shit like C++ regex?

You are stupid user. We all are here. Get over yourself.

This. The easier a language is to use, the faster you'll build things with it. Only non productive autists thinks they're too smart to use a programming language

yes, unless you write code with a ton of processor specific intrinsics, compiled Go code will be at roughly the same level of performance as any other compiled language that isn't Rust.

I will get shit for saying it but i think its one of the two languages worth learning along with [spoiler]Rust[/spoiler]

I have been writing a game engine in golang and a similar engine in parallel in C++. I vastly prefer C++ as a language with all the fancy tricks you can do, but I get so disheartened when you end up dealing with external file formats, networking, and scripting, where all the fancy statically-typed stuff goes out the window and everything is stringly typed hashmaps anyways.
Golang for one thing doesn’t Have an advanced type system to begin with, but it also has both language features making strings and maps easy while also having reflection to bring those random JSON or Script blobs into real structs when the time comes. So in this way I prefer it for Real Programming and not academically coming up with type systems.