LTT Backpack and Screwdriver

250 USD for a shitty backpack? Ahahahahahahahah. Linus is delusional. That 70 USD screwdriver better have RGB. "Cynical cash grab"

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House's have only gotten more expensive you selfish goy! Turn off your adblocker too when you order.

Hilarious. That screwdriver cost is comparable to Snapon prices,

I can't stand that retard fatass making faces on the homepage.

Nice try NVIDIA

Linus has reached his own autistic nirvanah - he's completely autistic about backpacks and screwdrivers. Watching him flip his autism badge screwdriver in all of his videos these days is hilarious. It's pure "Mommy, me make poopy!" energy.

Those prices, though. LOL. Get fucked, Linus, you fucking grifter. Pay for your new Gaymer million dollar house some other way.

they have very dedicated followers that will pay it

Why doesn't he just lose the weight? It's so easy. I wonder what he would look like if he was a woman considering how he doesn't seem to give a fuck about his appearance.

my problem with these products is mostly that they are complete and utter garbage, at least quality-wise
if i was the kinda faggot that would buy glorified merch from e-celebs, it'd be nice if the shit i got was of great quality since it's so cancer expensive
sadly it's all fucking dogshit
i don't even know for sure that it is, i just know it is nam sayin

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nobody cares about obese men, women are the ones always braying about how oppressed they are by the thinnies

He's like those monsters on Muh 600 lb life - he's stuffing his emotions down with food. Probably hiding his gayness and furry identity from his parents. His problem isn't that diet is hard, it's that his head is rotten. He thinks that awful long greasy hair looks good with his worst male pattern baldness ever.

what is ltt? is this guy related to it?


First day on capitalism, user?

he's the only person on the team with three digit IQ, probably because everyone else spent high school taking narcotics.

They've shown in their financial disclosure video that they literally make most of their income from merch, retards buying chinese bottles at 3x markup just because they have the LTT logo.
Plushies cost literally nothing and they are selling them at like 10x markup.
Its their new business model, and the thai ladyboi that he is married to will get most of it in the divorce.

you sound poor

He's just a grifter plain and simple

I thought canadians only abuse syrup
>slap LTT logo
>make 10+ dollars on it
Its literally printing money.


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it's just like Discord Nitro, cutting the price by 50% would get them maybe 10% more customers so it's better to keep the price high

linus (((merchant))) tips

>poor shaming
how can i tell you lick corporate boots and suck their dick too?