When the fuck is stock returning to normal literally everything is still out of stock everywhere

when the fuck is stock returning to normal literally everything is still out of stock everywhere

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it was never normal

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I just bought 30 more 3090s for resale with no trouble lmao, idk what the problem is for you

literally every motherboard in existence is out of stock and have 30+ days of wait as order item

What kind of question is this? Obviously you pick the trolley with the smaller infinite, there is no reason to pick the larger one
Shit trolley question. There has to be a pro and con to picking either side, this one has an objectively right answer though.

calm down user

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i think this might be my favorite variation

The reasonable answer is to walk away. This has nothing to do with you and you have no way of solving the situation.
You just walk away.

Again, why the fucked am I "forced" to do anything? Walk away. Fuck you.
Oh, you are going to kill my whole family if I don't do what you want?
Well, fuck you again. Whatever you do is on you. I don't give a fuck.
Go fuck yourself.

I forgot to respond to OP.
Never. Stock is never "returning to normal". Nothing is ever going to "return to normal" because you are witnessing the beginning of the end. You will be lucky if you don't starve to death or are killed by a hungry mob in the next 20 years.
So, yeah, you're fucked. Buying manchild toys will be the least of your problems.

my understanding of this is that even with the one path revealed, you still dont know what is behind the other two, including the one you chose. so why would you switch?

In todays cancel culture you would be ostracized either way, for making or not making said choice no matter the consequences unless it was ultimately the 100% best positive outcome choice.

Pull lever and accidentally kill 5 other people? even though 5 people were already going to die you would be scape goated for making the choice.

Dont pull lever and let 5 people die when you "could have" made the correct choice? still will be hung in public theatre.

best answer is to not get involved in the first place.

Look up the monty hall problem.

let's up this game

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who cares about stock. tech companies are reporting record profits!

Looks fine to me.

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Not to get involved? you don't have that choice when you're being forced, sweaty.

I'd pull the lever and hope it ran over 5 people because all of those people are actually criminals :^)

1. What do you do in this one?
2. What's your preferred programming language?

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for 2022 we need the Any Forumsley problem
>main track the trolley is on has 1 white male tied to it
>the other track has 2 white males and 40 niggers tied to it
>do you pull the lever?

might as well post more

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1. pic related
2. whatever gets work done, I don't pick favorites and the ecossistem is much more important anyway

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Fed psy op trying to normalize you to thinking murdering, compromising and sacrifices they do are good and just. The times change but the governments and people, their morality and practices of the world only go back and forth in a cycle