/fat/ - Friendly Apple Thread ()

Wiki: wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Forums: insanelymac.com/forum/

AMD Vanilla OpenCore: github.com/AMD-OSX/AMD_Vanilla/
OpenCore 0.6.9 - VMware Workstation 16 - AMD Ryzen: github.com/Ken5998/OpenCore-VMware-Workstation-AMD

>New to Mac OS?
Q&A Website: apple.stackexchange.com
Download a better terminal: iterm2.com
Terminal for beginners: makeuseof.com/tag/beginners-guide-mac-terminal/
Comprehensive terminal guide: swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/

>Package Managers
MacPorts: macports.org/install.php
Homebrew: brew.sh/
Fink: finkproject.org
Nix: wickedchicken.github.io/post/macos-nix-setup/

>If you come from a UNIX background
Note that Vim, microEmacs, and Nano come out of the box for editing files. To run programs using X, you need to install XQuartz (recommend way is through MacPorts).

>Useful Mac OS commands

>Assorted list of Mac OS tools
MacsFanControl: crystalidea.com/macs-fan-control
The Unarchiver: apps.apple.com/us/app/the-unarchiver/id425424353
Amphetamine: apps.apple.com/us/app/amphetamine/id937984704
BetterTouchTool: folivora.ai/
Yabai: github.com/koekeishiya/yabai
Rectangle: github.com/rxhanson/Rectangle

>iPhone / iPad Jailbreak
checkra.in/ (iPhone 5s - iPhone X, iOS 12.0+)
theodyssey.dev/ (iOS 13.0 - 13.7)
unc0ver.dev/ (iOS 11.0 - 14.3)

>iPhone / iPad Sideloading


>Other Resources
For vintage (m68k, PowerPC) devices, check out
and For iPods check out

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Did they really expect people to be excited for a phone with these huge bezels in 2022?

Attached: Apple Reportedly Cutting iPhone SE Production Just Weeks After Launch Due to 'Weaker-Than-Expected' Demand - MacRumors.jpg (1668x1447, 263.54K)

It is just too soon for another SE. Should have waited until 2024 and they could have used the same design. Anyone who wanted to upgrade from an older phone already did it with the 2020 SE.

I just got the 8 GB Mac Mini and I'm running shit ton of stuff. I can easily run Jetbrain Rider and IntelliJ easily without any slow downs ( it actually even runs faster than on Loonix or Windows ).

Is 16 GB version a forced meme?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-29 at 13.37.24.png (1920x1080, 609K)

Yes. 8GB on the M1 is equivalent to at least 16GB with Wintel.

No, check your swap usage

Only a gig.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-29 at 13.51.52.png (862x651, 280.37K)

Tbh, the normal iphones feel better and last longer plus most people buy them on contract so it's kinda retarded to get an SE. Plus it doesn't look as nice as the normal ones.

Does this mac mini even have a fan?? I compiled few programs like git and ffmpeg and it didn't make a sound..

Yes, it has basically the same cooling assembly as the last Intel Mini.

ffmpeg for arm sucks though


I haven't had time to test it hopefully the cpu encoding is as good as on my pc or better.

Bought a MacBook Air M1, should arrive next week. Any macOS beginner tips?

Attached: 33772A85-0D74-4D1A-95F5-C41969A6D24E.jpg (2048x1152, 122.86K)

install brew, then
brew install --cask rectangle alt-tab iina

Replace Spotlight with Alfred. Install Xtrafinder. Install Homebrew and/or MacPorts.

wrong board currynigger

Attached: 1618056204439.jpg (643x960, 238K)

where is CPU comparison chart for M1 with i9 and others ??

Attached: gben.jpg (1131x447, 80.87K)

How much RAM did you get?

16GB. 8 seems unreasonable in 2022

8GB with the M1 is like 16GB with Wintel.