Where in the fuck do you learn the absolute chad language "C" in the year 2022?

where in the fuck do you learn the absolute chad language "C" in the year 2022?

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Kernighan, Brian W, and Dennis M. Ritchie. The C Programming Language. , 1988. Print.




C has remained largely unchanged since 1978.

I don't give a shit I don't want to learn it from some goddamn mummy that doesn't even know what Youtube is.

What do you think youtube is written in?

cos every single fucking failure n here
is a fucking failure because they
want the best thingss. they all assume that htey all 1. deservea ferrari. 2. aint just a fking programmer are an 'elite' programmer and bert in the bar who reads Any Forums says c/c++ so they all lie about it. they know zilch, fuckall. they are proto fat idiots or fat over the hill fucking losers

it aint the field you can blag in
you need stamina you need to be doing it 24/7

there is a surfeit of developers because of the shit. the fuking 'chancers' who do amazingy, get in. who the fuck would want to be around it now

find something worth programming in C, look up guides how to do it, make your own modifications, learn.

use pyython
not fucking C
c is for writing drivers, maintianing old linux thigns
things ppl haven't got around to writing in something viable
c is 'legacy', mainly.


Drivers, embedded, anything that requires poking with memory, unix programs.
A ez use case is game mods/hacks

javascript is just 'inaccesible'
you need to be learing the command
using bash not fucking windows
javascript is a tiny language elevated into something it wasn't supposed to be, that only exists on the browser
it exists because m$ could not destroy a language that xists purely on the browser. m$ destroyed everythiing else.
'learning computing' can't be made easy. re: 'wwhy fucking 'c'''.

here's your mummy that doesnt know what youtube is

holy schizo

python is all over everything

you telling me cousin Vinny got a jab as a programa??? dude get outta here


that's a man baby

Heard of books?


main ()
printf(" \n");
printf(" %^&!@#$%^&*()-_=+!@#$%^&*()-_=+!@#$%^&*()-_=+!@#$%^&*( \n");
printf(" $ ) \n");
printf(" @ :S NNNN NN EE EE DD DD | \n");
printf(" ! SSSSSS: NN NN NN EEEEE EEEEE DD DD = \n");
printf(" + :S NN NNNN EE EE DD DD + \n");
printf(" _ @ \n");
printf(" -)(*&^%$#@!+=_-)(C.H.U.C.K.$#F_S)(*&^%$#@!+=_-)(*&^%$# \n");
printf(" \n");

return 0;


you do realize they update the drafts over time? if you had two brain cells to rub together you would have found this curated and up to date list: stackoverflow.com/questions/81656/where-do-i-find-the-current-c-or-c-standard-documents

I don't mind spoonfeeding you in this case since you're too fucking stupid to wrap your head around C anyways.