What happened?

Everyone thought it was gonna be huge, but then it just died. why?

Attached: coffeescript.jpg (474x327, 14.37K)

typescript happened

Nobody ever thought it was going to be huge.

only soys and women think coffee is cool. most people drink it because they feel like shit without it (aka addicted)

now write it without the last S

Turns out the problem with JS was the type system and not the syntax. So everyone started using TypeScript.

One cup of coffee a day actually leaves you better off than none at all. More than that is a problem, though.


whats wrong with javascript's type system? are retards seriously using a web scripting language for huge projects?

oh boy do i have some news for you

Just ignore the microsoft shills, they get paid 10 cents every time you reply

well yeah there is even a photoshop clone written in javascript

What the fuck is a basedboy and what do onions have to do with them? I thought being "based" was a compliment.

>inb4 newfag
Yes, but I've been here for about 2 years and I don't recall "basedboy" and "baseddev" being commonly used until recently.

baka desu senpai basedboy onions

I know what baka, desu, and senpai are. What the fuck is a basedboy and what do onions have to it?

it's just word filters, don't worry about it

s m h t b h f a m s o y b o y s o y

type those without the spaces noob


The fact you think that somehow huge projects need type safety while small project don't is a sure sign that you are a retarded webshit


>waaaahh waaaaaah im le retarded and cant keep track of what each variable is storing!
my nigga, you stupid