Twitch dropping VIDEO frames for *"freeloaders"(meaning users who watch without paying streamers and/or twitch in any...

Twitch dropping VIDEO frames for *"freeloaders"(meaning users who watch without paying streamers and/or twitch in any way)?

I've been getting consistently lower framerates watching streams than the 60fps that they stream on.
Nobody else I ask is reporting this issue. the streamers aren't dropping frames. only I see it choppy.

Youtube 60fps works fine. Video games work fine. Those mean, for my limited understanding, that it isn't my GPU that's fucking up.

I think the last options are my ISP and twitch itself.

Attached: twitch.jpg (1280x721, 31.87K)

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It's not one stream, it's any stream I watch.
I'm also not gonna post any because then mods can ban me for advertising.


Attached: 1632327270640.gif (900x1200, 802.21K)

mpv just werks
website fucking sucks

I think I might have noticed this. The audio also stops for a few seconds?
Either way I don't give a fuck, if they make it unusable they'll be doing me a favor.

Peering issue, saturated link between ISP infrastructure and Amazon/Twitch servers. A vpn might help.

how would they even know if you pay the streamer? you can donate through other platforms
and why would they cap your data transfer to make you pay for a subscription WITHOUT TELLING YOU TO PAY FOR A SUBSCRIPTION FOR A BETTER EXPERIENCE?
are you literally retarded?

Since Twitch update the API, I can’t use it without log in. The whole point was using it without having to create an account.

I've actually been wondering this myself lately. A friend streams movies and shows on his channel and there is constant framerate and general buffering issues. All network tests are fine on both of our sides.
However, another friend who uses Amazon Prime never reports experiencing any issues.

i don't have to log in, works fine
make sure to update

>watching Twitch

4chin is full of children like OP, us veterans (i joined in 2016) need to rise up against them and force them to go back to rebbit

Twitch fucks your resolution and frame rate for blocking midroll ads.

>command line

I'd rather jump in a pit of needles.

"streamlink best"
video player opens up automatically playing the stream

it's not that difficult my man

Video streaming will NEVER be a good business model. It just costs too much compared to income. Look at netflix. They actually sell a real service, unlike these livestream platforms and even they barely make half a billion in profit. It's fucking nothing compared to actual big tech.

ahaha they ONLY made half a bilion in profit
those silly goobers

It would make more sense to give non-twitch prime users a lower stream quality. Also, they would announce it to incentivize users to buy prime. Your claims are nonsense.

Meanwhile facebook makes like 10-12 billion on a really shitty ad serving business even though netflix has better engineers.

stream it