/dpt/ daily programming thread

What are you working on Any Forums ?

Attached: Anon_begins_to_understand.png (480x239, 102.86K)

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To computers it's just ones and zeros, the abstractions and how it works don't matters.

why does an angular project have so. many. files.

Trying to roll the mouse onto the other side of the window when it goes off the side. It's still a bit jumpy though. Is there a better way to do this with winit?

Attached: Screen Recording 2022-03-28 at 3.14.27 PM.webm (856x678, 2.1M)

>have to create web server to display data from my embedded device

Attached: hate.jpg (302x225, 8.69K)

I'm not sure if this feature is brilliant or complete aids. why not just split the window into zones so that the inner area works as you currently have it, then a surrounding area applies acceleration increasing as you approach the edge? benefits:
>no highjacking the users cursor
>no non-traditional behavior
>mouse never has to be lifted to re-align after you've offset the cursor
>can spin endlessly at desired speed with each

oi mate

>I'm not sure if this feature is brilliant or complete aids
Not him, but this is how things work in Blender, 3dsmax and some programs and it's a nice feature.

just wrap it in a rest endpoint

I have never worked on anything web related. In fact I never worked before.

in cpp at least you can use the name of the function as a pointer

we do this for all of the embedded products at my company. web server presents the webpage with all the different modules supported then we build a bunch of services that the webserver latches on to for each module

>In principle, the callCC computation is what the whole callCC expression evaluates to. The caveat, and what makes callCC so special, is due to k, the argument to the argument. It is a function which acts as an eject button: calling it anywhere will lead to the value passed to it being made into a suspended computation, which then is inserted into control flow at the point of the callCC invocation. That happens unconditionally; in particular, whatever follows a k invocation in the callCC computation is summarily discarded. From another perspective, k captures the rest of the computation following the callCC; calling it throws a value into the continuation at that particular point ("callCC" stands for "call with current continuation").
complete gibberish

its like goto where the part you're going to is the part thats going to use the results
x = callCC \k -> ...
calling k(y) is basically saying x=y; ...

could you give me a burrito-based analogy that my retard brain can understand?

std::cout flushes every '\n' because it prints directly to stdout without buffering. stdout is buffered, so you could say that std::cout is buffered through stdout.
Technically an alternative to using sync_with_stdio(false) is to manually set a buffer to the ostream, in that case std::cout would be buffered and it would send the buffer to stdout (which is buffered as well), but you would still have the problem of newlines not flushing due to std::cout not having a setting for that.

you can do that if you want:
I don't see the point since you probably want to use google protocol buffers because it's very fast and sane to use (no need to sacrifice "safety" for MAXIMUM SPEED but segfaults if it's fed garbage data)

try locking the cursor to the window when you wrap so it doesn't at least ever go outside the window itself, by using set_cursor_grab: github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2122


dont fucking do this

Made my first Go backend and holy damn, how did people ever write backends without Go. It's pure bliss

if you can run some objective C code, you could probably set the window to do that since that's usually a feature that's part of the OS.