Offline FOSS bookmark management software in linux external to the web-browser?

Offline FOSS bookmark management software in linux external to the web-browser?

I have a rather large amount of bookmarks sorted into folders and subfolders that I would like to manage outside of my current web browser so I can change web browser without it affecting how I manage my bookmark library.
Also it would be nice to be able to link to files and places on my own system and to be able to add tags, descriptions, date added, to folders or files or websites.
the UI should be either a Web UI or an external GUI.

What kinds of bookmark management software like this is available for linux?
Have anyone tried anything that they like in particular?

I don't really know what to search for online and I'm not really getting any relevant results back on this.

any kind of help or recommendation is appreciated.

Attached: bookmark-manager.jpg (315x188, 15.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

text file. vim. urls cant whitespace so put comments at end of same line. easy access and field lookup. you do NOT need more

I've never really used vim.
can it display folders?
and what kinds of extensions do I need to make it work?
I want a short title for every bookmark and when I select it it should display all the information.
I also want to be able to easily and quickly search through the bookmarks.

wouldn't emacs be a better alternative if it has to be CLI?

use a JSON file with a JSON tree viewer

cat path-to-your-bookmark-list.txt | grep 'htt' | rofi -dmenu -p Bookmarks: | xclip -selection clip

Bookmarks of what?
Just websites (URLs)?
Snippets of text?
What's the scale?
What are the syncing requirements?

how would that work in practice?
I don't know what a JSON file is

I don't know how that works.
what does it do?

Javascript object notation, its just nested key/values

bookmarks of anything really. folders, documents, websites, programs, system settings etc.
I want to use it as a kind of browser for my whole ecosystem if that's possible.
I don't have any syncing requirements right now, but I should be able to export some sort of a structured file so that when I get to it I can export it and transfer it to another system.

self hosted nextcloud + floccus bookmark sync

I don't know what you mean

>I want a short title for every bookmark and when I select it it should display all the information.
>I also want to be able to easily and quickly search through the bookmarks.
Sounds like org-mode

There are definitely lighter-weight programs but I use Joplin to store notes, links, and add tags or other important things.

this seems like what I need to do.
dug around a little and found this:
I'm not sure how long it would take to master it for a beginner though.

Put your links in an org-mode document.

holy fuck then google it dipshit

>I'm not sure how long it would take to master it for a beginner though.
That's the beauty of org-mode. You don't need to master it for it to be useful. If you know a handful of basic keybindings, you're get value out of org-mode.

M-RET - Meta-Return creates a new list item. You can type text on this line, and you can add additional content underneath the item as well.
M-RIGHT - Indent an item.
M-LEFT - Dedent an item. With these 3 commands, you can construct a hierarchical list.
M-UP - Move an item up.
M-DOWN - Move an item down.
TAB - Cycle the visibility of an item. If an item has sub-items, TAB will collapse and expand them.
C-c . - Add a timestamp. This is handy for when you’re keeping a journal.
S-RIGHT - Cycle TODO state.
S-LEFT - Cycle TODO state in reverse. The default TODO states are TODO, DONE and nothing.

M stands for Meta
C stands for Control
S stands for Shift

sqlite + db browser for sqlite

thanks for the help friend

ok, so I don't need to learn Emacs first, or is that still a prerequisite?

This guy is asking what JSON is. I don't think he's ready to write SQL to maintain his bookmarks.