So I have a question. I want to run a bare metal windows desktop inside a virtual linux desktop...

So I have a question. I want to run a bare metal windows desktop inside a virtual linux desktop. A couple solutions that I have thought of would be:
>remote desktop
>kvm switch
The first solution has problems. How do you remote into a windows desktop at 4k 120hz as if your local network was a video cable? This is mainly going to be used for gaming, and don't tell me to use steam or anything like that because I already considered it and realized it wouldn't work for me. I am using 100G fiber in my home network so latency/bandwidth shouldn't be a problem. What application/network protocol is capable of this anyway? The second solution is expensive, I am 100% sure it would work, but switches that have DP 1.4a for two monitors and more than 2 systems are 700 dollars. I don't want to go that rout unless I have to. I want to know how to implement a remote desktop with zero latency and no compression if possible, and if you have any other solutions feel free to suggest them.

Attached: 1641850552477.jpg (752x1062, 756.51K)

why the tranny oriented pic there sports fan? reminder you will never be a woman

To make people like you post in this thread and bump it when you otherwise wouldn't. I didn't have a more relevant image saved anyway.

Attached: 1647190490628.webm (540x360, 1.79M)

why are lesbians so good at illustrating first kisses?

what makes you think that's a first kiss?

it reminds me of my first kiss (and what I felt during it)


>2 girls kissing is tranny oriented
this must be some gay psyop at this point

>sees women and inmediately thinks of men (trannies)
You will never be heterosexual

I truly cant understand. How did you even reach that conclusion?

>so cutting your dick is "tranny" now, as expected of chuds

1. there are no women on the internet
2. is a feminine feeling
3. obviously he is a tranny pretending to be a woman

tomoko is canonically trans

Attached: 1639102868052.png (5305x5632, 1.22M)

The illustration reminded me (a straight man) of my first kiss with my gf, this is not the first time this has happened to me, which makes me think lesbos are really good at illustrating these kind of things.
Now tell me, where does the tranny part enter?

>2. (You) is a feminine feeling

Silly tranimes... your non-existant father figure means you never learned about the boy who cried wolf

>wow thats literally me

Wow, not a single useful reply. I'm regetting the image I chose now.

trannies dont deserve anything

literally garbage thread with tranime image
posting the truth may result in your excommunication

That is nothing compared to your parents regret

thats what you get for baitposting :^)

i didn't even notice there was also text in OP

Attached: is coffee good for you.gif (457x640, 2.32M)