They hated him become he told the truth…

They hated him become he told the truth…

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You wouldn't trust a self-taught doctor.

Some people don't have access to higher education institutions for university programming courses. I'm sure as hell not taking out student loans and getting in debt for it.

You wouldn't ask a programmer to design a bridge.

If you are going to be that particular about it, don't call yourself a software """engineer""" either. Nothing about software development is engineering.
The proper term is 'code monkey'.

quora is garbage
this post is garbage
get better bait

doctors are good at memorizing and following protocols, thats it.


Make college tuition-free and maybe things will change. College tuition is not affordable and it's only getting more expensive which makes financially-disadvantaged working-class people take the self-taught approach.

wtf are these self-tough programmers people always talk about? do they mean bootcampers?
school didnt taught me anything i didnt already know
programming is not rocket science you can learn it easily just by working on own projects and watching others

The degree proves that they are good at memorizing and following protocols.
Claiming to be a self-taught doctor doesn't.

i would, if he had some proof that he has done the thing that he is doing to me successfully to other patients

meanwhile in reality, when code is generated for our process it requires an engineering stamp for all critical and life hazard processes which requires peer review before I wet my stamp.
>the proper term is being cluelessness

t. engineer

>Programmer: person who write computer programs.
>Software engineer: Programmer with a degree.

Why? Programmers constantly talk about how shit school is

There should be a licensing scheme for people to call themselves software engineers. I've seen so much dog shit code in my time, it's madness that these people are able to get a job.

The real question is what topics should it cover? My list
>Data structures (theory and practice)
>Basic algorithms (theory and practice)
>Design patterns
And then perhaps some specialisms for low level/embedded stuff.

He would never be able to get any experience if everyone thought like you.

Except that in places where the code actually matters and needs the stamps, it is written by actual engineers.
t. Engineer

This is shit bait. At least for public education.

i don't trust them in general

How about you work for things instead you lazy leech?

It really doesn't prove that, no.

No, they literally think bootcampers (like the poster) are real software engineers, whereas people who write fully functional operating systems in their basements are not qualified to do enterprise-quality fizzbuzz because of no degree.

This isn't the 50s. If your family isn't already wealthy, you're not going to "work" your way into a 4-year college tuition without taking out some student loans.

night college is cheap enough to be paid with a regular day shit job, you just gotta hustle for 4 years and you will come out with a nice degree and debt free, lots of people attending night college are already working in the industry and they are just getting a degree to move up their jobs, if you can befriend them you will be setup for life.

I wouldn't trust any doctor


I don't think we should call programmers engineers

If your family has less than $500,000 in the bank, that's their fault, not society's. It's not my fault you were born into a poor family. I basically got a free ride to university because my ancestors actually worked.

Do better.

Just get luckier and have rich parents.

>without taking out some student loans
So take out some student loans? The system works fine for competent people going into useful fields. I had no money growing up, took on 50k in debt to go to a state college, got an actually useful degree, immediately got a well-paying job, and paid off the entire loan within a year.
The only people complaining about college being expensive and loans being bad are the ones who either want to spend 4 years getting a gender studies degree that they can never make any money with, or the ones going for a real degree that's way over their head and they'll never get hired into a good job because every employer can tell that they suck.
Just don't fucking go to college if you're dumb. If you're not dumb then go and immediately start making enough bank that your loans don't matter.

>software engineer
we should draw a line between actual engineers and programmers who call themselves engineers instead.
>inb4 muh fagman seethe
back to the office wagie

It's not my fault you're overpaying for a worthless degree that doesn't even prove you know anything.

>t. slavic self-taught software engineer, coming to take yer jerb