
Poorfags looking for 75% just buy Nexttime 75.
Current fotm 65% is QK65. Will cost you $200 shipped.
Keychron Q3 in 3 days for TKL. Keychron Q5 for 96%/full size by the end of april.
No, Ducky, Steelseries, Razer, Corsair, etc. is not good. You are paying for the brand.

>Keyboard recommendation template
pastebin.com/n220xk9V (embed)

>Where to buy keyboards


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Should I get the Drevo Gramr as babby's first MK? I plan to change its keycaps.

Moreover, does it work on Linux? All reviewers only talk about Win & Mac :(

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Which one should I wait for? It would be my first custom. On the one hand I'd like to be conservative and pick the full layout which I'm used to. On the other hand it would be nice to try something a little bit more compact, considering 96% still has numpad and movement keys, so I really don't lose anything important

Attached: KEYCHRONS.jpg (1920x2160, 391.04K)


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>maker scarlet
Hey, I bought that. Got cucked by bad manu on last batch of blue cases so I'm still waiting.
Pretty sure his new tkl is going to be called velvet and the old scarlet pcb design is being used and made with a cheaper case called milan.

Probably would have been less fucked over not buying it and getting the freebird that happened a little while ago.

hello frens
why is picrel a bad idea? Or is it a good idea? any ergodox users here willing to spoonfeed me some redpills?

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I know everyone has preferences but,
>favorite linear switch
>favorite tactile switch
just curious

>hello frens
>why is picrel a bad idea?
It's not as ergonomic as a dactyl-manuform
>Or is it a good idea?
It doesn't require any diy, unlike a dactyl-manuform
>any ergodox users here willing to spoonfeed me some redpills?
The Nazis manufactured several X1B type Uboats and used them to reach Agartha. One such uboat sank off the coast of cape cod

agartha is in tibet. neue schwabenland is a different settlement though I'd imagine they have some form of communication between eachother

Pricey as all hell just because it's "complete" with wrist rest and a tent. But if you have the money and no time to make your own ergo keyboard, it's fine.
One thing to note though, if you're coming from gasket keyboards, you're taking away the comfort and sound of it. It's going to sound very clacky because it's on a flat board only. I ended up buying this lulu case for lily58 just because of that, hoping it helps with sound.

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How should I try out switches before I buy a bunch of them? Is there a good switch tester thingy I can buy in Europe? I have gateron browns now and I like them but I would like to try some other stuff.
Also, the board I'm thinking of using is a Magicforce 68, which is not hotswappable but I can solder. I'd also spray paint it and get some new keycaps. Good idea or no?

well do you want more room on your desk?

No spacing between F keys looks ugly and would be annoying and I hate exploded arrow keys because I always hit left arrow with the side of my palm when I'm typing so I'd go with the Q6, even though it's a desk hog.

Redpill me on the KBD75

No real need, but considering all other kbs I have are 100%, it would be fun to try something different for once

I get you. Tho I'd say that squeezing F keys together is the only way to leave room for all 6 home/end pageup/dn etc. keys

Is upgrading the stabilizers on a kbd67 lite going to make much difference or is it a waste of time?

Always worth it to mod stabs, takes 30 minutes tops anyway.

>40% of thetime thespacebar doesnt input
>40%ofthe time it inputs like 5 times
>20% ofthetimeitactualy works as intended
thanks forrecommending me amechanical keyboardguys

Personally, I would look at the RK84 by Royal Kludge as a first 75%. Hotswap switches, removable bezel, and wireless puts it above the Gramr in my opinion. Then again, it's also around twice the price so it depends on what is more important to you: features or budget.


Jokesaside, try openingandcleaning the switch.Ifixed oncemy brownswitchesby squirtingisopropil alcohol directly inthe switchfor cleaning thecontacts. While the keyboardwas disconnectedof course

>$200 keyboard
does autism really cost that much nowadays?

Learn to read.

how about reading comprehension classes, do they cost too much for you too?

what are you guys even talking about


nigga if you broke you shouldn't be looking for keyboards.


then how use puter?

you're already using it.

this. making keebs is an enthusiast hobby fuck off

but it isn't about me, it's about the poorfags