Sign up for an IT degree

>sign up for an IT degree
>mentions that it has "no significant background requirement or skillset
>literally every class operates on the assumption that you have mathematics skills
>mathematics was optional in my school after 15 years old and I skipped every maths class before that age anyway

I didn't sign up for this shit.

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Can't relate. My IT bachelors was a fucking joke and required middle school math at best to understand the algorithms and structures in basic software development. Exactly what are you struggling with?

>Exactly what are you struggling with?
Everything. You're expect to know various concepts like carrying numbers, scientific notation, powers, etc.

>skipped math
You are fucked

That's what I'm starting to think.

You'd go to /sci :C

>>mathematics was optional in my school
What kind of over glorified nursery did you attend? Any school that let's someone into the real world without foundational math is a bullshit one.

In Australia, you can get through every single year of highschool until the last two without passing a single class. Your parent just needs to okay it.

After 10th grade (10 out of 12) mathematics just becomes an elective that you can choose to do.

I ditched school after year 10. I don't know shit all about maths. I suck at programming and will never get good at it. Australian school system is a fucking joke anyway.

>Aussie cunts are all retarded
>Hmm, maybe that's just a stereotype
>Find out that their government enables morons to leave highschool with a diploma without learning foundational mathematics
Even the dumb bitch at the counter of a fast-food joint needs to know how to check her math, how is it conscionable to allow someone to skate by HS without it? Fucking hell, everything around IT is based on cutting edge calculation, you are properly fucked.

I just wanted to get the degree so that I could work out the back of a computer repair shop or whatever, I never wanted to do anything serious programming ;__;

But yeah, I pass highschool with high distinctions and awards in my [spoiler] literature [/spoiler] and [spoiler] drama [/spoiler] classes, but I've always enjoyed tech so I thought I'd study IT instead.

>doesn't understand the bare minimum
I thought we were discussing at least late high-school tier math and calculus. If you can't understand or teach yourself the simplest and most elementary of mathematical concepts you're better off being a janny somewhere. If you aren't completely braindead then jump on a high school math course for half a year then sign back up for that IT degree

Get a textbook on precalc and learn yourself. Do project euler. I do exercises from my textbook during breaks at work and all my study at home is programming related. I work a minimum wage job. I will have saved 10k in a couple months. I am doing the same degree as you but put it on hold for a year to wage slave. You are the one stopping yourself. Close this tab, pick up a book and stop bitching. Faggot.

I can learn it, I've just had it all thrust on me at once and it's overbearing, I have to do a shit load of study just to understand the study quota I've been given.

Like: & are saying, you need to hop on a math course like yesterday and get your shit together before diving into IT. Even as a repair monkey if you don't know foundational math then some manager or client will snow the shit out of you in terms of money alone and you're going to get fucked.

On another note, taking a year off to work a shit job has been the biggest motivation (other than pure interest) to study harder. Go work at bunnings for a year while you catch up with math mate, you'll push yourself harder realising what the future looks like for an uneducated fuck.

user, I'm 25. I finished highschool 7 years ago.

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I'm 24, shut the fuck up and stop being a pussy.

T-thanks, user...

Good luck mate, it's not hard and mathematics is actually enjoyable when not in the classroom. When you don't know what the fuck the project euler questions are about, look it up. Godspeed.

I'm gonna make it, bro.
I'm pretty sure my student allowance runs out soon so I need to make the best of it!

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You can go to NZ and do the degree for free at the literal bottom of the world. WAGMI