Sudo apt remove --purge snapd

sudo apt remove --purge snapd

fuck snap
remove this weed

Attached: snapd-remove.png (250x250, 13.84K)

>well shit now I can't have firefox anymore
>oogaboogaa in 2022

>remove --purge

Attached: 1500154599653.png (323x334, 135.29K)

Wow thanks OP I didn't know I could do this thanks for killing a thread to inform me you fucking useless nigger

get off shitbuntu

you still can have Firefox as deb, even in 22.04


Package: snapd
Pin: release *
Pin-Priority: -1

goes into:

problem solved

why do you guys hate snapd so much? I find it very convenient

sudo pacman -Syu

Use LMDE 5 instead

shill detected

snap is slow
snap takes way more RAM
snap takes a lot of space on disk
snap hides application's files
snap mounts some directories, doesn't mount others
snap has issues running anything
snap's sandbox is alpha and doesn't work
snap has only one proprietary shop
snap is shoved down users' throats
fuck Mark Shuttleworth

Besides sandboxing discord it really doesn't have a purpose yes

My problem is that its a default. Its not a bad concept but it shouldn't be a default install, you should need to install it yourself.

>one casual post
>shill detected
Go back to Any Forums you niggerfaggot.

Flatpak can do this just as well no? Can even set specific permissions easily with flatseal

>Package 'snapd' is not installed, so not removed
What am I doing wrong?

Attached: chimera.jpg (718x1128, 225.65K)

>don't like what the distro is doing
>keep using and try to force it to be like how you want it locally instead of switching
but why

No perfect distro exists. We need to chop things until they resemble the things we have in our heads, we are the trannies of linux.

echo "app-containers/snapd" >> /etc/portage/package.mask

Attached: 1529699226624.jpg (540x393, 14.87K)

Snaps are a good thing. There is no reason to hate Snaps or Flatpak. They solve the dependency issues on Linux with some apps. Muh bloat is not an argument sorry.

This. Flatpak is better than Snap in every way.

>Snap is not a bad concept
A bad concept no, not at all - a bad implementation, absolutely yes.
Flatpak mogs Snapd in every way, both on a technical level and just in terms of the overall goals/intentions of the project.

Also friendly reminder after purging snapd:
sudo apt-mark hold snapd