What to get certified in

I'm in my first year of college learning python but I need a job asap. I already know some Linux and maybe leaning towards Oracle/MySQL
can anyone point me in the right direction?
I literally asked my teacher abt this but he just says "keep going to school!"
Is he right or just wants me to continue funding his pension?

I'm currently a wagie working for room and board :(

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What the fuck would a certification even mean for a programming language.

I mean like getting Oracle/MySQL certified through Oracle


you don't get certs in languages, when it comes to software development companies generally give a shit about your portfolio and (undergrad) degrees before they give a shit about certs. certs are useful for IT, though.

that isn't to rule out certs entirely though, e.g. if you work in government chances are you'll want to have sec+. oracle's java and sql certs have some areas where they might be an exception, but they're pretty niche. with the big dick that cloud has now, i'd put your focus on AWS or azure if you really want to get certified.

I love how he congratulates himself, excellent job SIR

he is absolute master of java

Z/OS mainframe. Go through all of the tests on IBM's mainframe learning platform. It's free. Should take you 6 months.

Oracle has its own shitty database engine

Do you know of any other tech companies with free training programs like that?

Every major platform has one desu AWS,Azure, GCP they all have a free knowledge base. The cost of the cert at the end is the limiting factor.

what's the niggress' name

learn to suck dick.

u can learn it in 10-20 hours the basics are easy, learn it + OOP. do a interactive tutorial somewhere online so u learn and pracitce at the same time.

She is white. Her name is Bhad Bhabie

is she doing of yet?

nvm. she does but its shit. easy to find her of or linktree.

This fucking idiot sold out a venue I work at
Went on stage for 20 minutes
I hate this gay earth

>Went on stage for 20 minutes
Wow that's a really long time, probably like 30 tik-tok's.
t. zoomer

Get networking certs

it's akshully worse than any of the other stuff posted of her online

AgilePM + MS DevOps path certs, then put together a portfolio of work to show you can do things

& CCNA if you want to document you can use your hands