I'm Debian Chad and it just werks

I'm Debian Chad and it just werks
Is there a reason to drop Debian and switch to ?

Attached: debian-logo-vertical.gif (911x1200, 49.87K)

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Based, now try devuan

>no reproducibility?

Attached: install_guix.png (1200x400, 197.73K)

Based triple dubs of truth
Debian just werks

Devuan is tied to the XFCE desktop no matter what you select. It will install XFCE + whatever you select on install.
spambot is here fast

Attached: 1629309554908.png (899x613, 263.26K)

I'm afraid to try guix or nixos because every user of nixos I've ever come across is a troon anime girl github avatar user and I don't wanna turn into one.

Trips of revealing!

Debian and its isms keep me away from it as a daily, but if it works for you then fuck it... stick with it.

otherwise install arch and proceed to shitpost about other distros as god intended.

>what is right clicking

Don't worry too much about troons, Guix is an official GNU project.

guix is compromised

i like debian stable
there's complaints about apt not getting tons of packages and updates everyday but isn't that half the appeal of getting away from windows?

troons are ruining the industry. like they ruined twitch. and comedy.

>4 randos
>4 years ago
Yawn. What next, are you going to claim Zig is pozzed because a troon once sneezed next to it.

Only script kiddie hacker wannabee trannies distrohop. You're fine.

No. Stop distrohopping. There's nothing a distro can't do. Unless you """need""" a feature only another distro has, or your distro becomes unbearable, stay with what you're running.

Source: I run Debian

Guix and nixos have the same problem, in that they're not really *nix-like anymore as they throw out FHS and get forced to patch every package that depends on standard unix file paths.

You answered your own question retard

It's nice to distrohop for the sake of learning. I run Fedora on an old laptop and Debian on my tower. Some things I got stuck on or had a lot of trouble setting up in Fedora were easy to do in Debian, and vise-versa. Seeing how one handled certain things differently helped me learn both better.
I'd like to experiment with more down the road but for now I'm happy. Using a pair like uBuntu/Gentoo simulatneously would be fun for the sake of extremities.

See pic related

Attached: rms email about guix.png (1206x861, 123.31K)

Just use Ubuntu it’s literally corporation standard. People worth their salt would laugh at you if you told them you run Debian considering how fucking slow they are to roll out. Ofc if you know what you are doing it can be okay but it’s limited by the community that supports it…