

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-26 184015.jpg (874x221, 65.25K)

Install a modern OS like Guix. It even comes with a Zig package, unlike winblows. that space with the clock? You could rearrange those?

Why would I downgrade to Windows 11 when 10 works just fine?

xp works fine too

no it doesn't

Reject XP, embrace microsoft bob

Those little icons next to the clock. You absolutely can.

Reject MS Bob, embrace Metro

You VILL have no customization
and you VILL be happy

so how long until they push a win10 update to forcibly enable the TPM shit in my bios and forcibly update to win11

Attached: tpm.png (302x198, 6.36K)

That's the least of it's problems. Put that on my Surface Go 3 for giggles and it was shit. Laggy as fuck, explorer crashed all the time, and new taskbar gestures barely worked half the time. After I rebooted to see if that would help the normal keyboard only typed in half my pin and then stopped working, I had to use the accessibility touch keyboard to log in so I could roll back to something that worked.

They are again copying KDE which also doesnt have this feature

lol you own a surface

lol never knew desu

It's a pretty handy manga reader. The options for 3:2 tablets are pretty lacking.

this is like gnome tier stupidity
why does this always happen when they decide to rewrite perfectly fine interfaces in webshit technology?

>using Windows

Attached: 1614389445740.png (393x309, 129.42K)

windows 11 continues to copy the worst parts of both gnome and kde

Why would they get rid of that feature? It's bizarre.

lol you own a poorfag stinkpad

Because they couldn't figure out how to make that work with the new swipe gesture for quick actions apparently.

they just want people to stick to 10 forever

Could someone post that picture with the M$ sexual deviant hires?