Should i learn python? is coding fun?

should i learn python? is coding fun?
please give me a step by step guide to getting a comfy remote job

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kill yourself

Why are IT incels like this? Will I become bitter too if I learn how to code?

kill yourself

it takes a couple of hours to learn and you too can have a 200k starting job working remote by the end of the week like all of us here

Learn Haskell

Dress up as a girl and go to Girls Can Code! camp. Then you can be something truly afwul like an Agile Scrum Master.

I hate "people" who """work""" with computers.
But you have it too good and I want in.

But first, learn Zig.

Just take the Zig pill.

Built in event loop style N:M threading, just like Go. Just add one line of code and you're able to run millions of coroutines with ease. Solving the C10k (and C10M) problem was never easier.

pub const io_mode = .evented;

It's a compiled language with a backend that uses LLVM, so it has all of the optimizations that Clang will ever give you in C/C++. No slow or unpredictable GC, so you can be sure there won't be any GC lag spikes. No more worrying about the 95% percentile response times!

Scared of memory management? Just use the 'defer' keyword user, EZ RAII style cleanup. Want to be be even lazier? Have a single arena allocator scoped per HTTP request and forget about memory management entirely!

>should i learn python? is coding fun?
There is a language you should lern, and that lang is Zig. Embrace the future old man, and head on over to to get started! Need help? IRC is #zig on

pub fn helloWorld(req: Request, res: Response) !void {
try res.print("Hello {}!", req.queryParam("name") orelse "World");

at most you'll only be gluing frameworks and libraries together. if you find that fun, then just do it. don't expect that you'll have any dignity left though, because you'll end up being a codemonkey and you don't deserve any respect from anyone.

it's the final step of coding lurk more

Can I make 2k usd a month as a code monkey? I'd live like a king with that kind of money

Don't take any advice on fucking Any Forums stupid retard.

i make 110k after a month long coding bootcamp

I make like 10k us a month before tax and I have no degree

Very nice, i'm happy for you
Dab on college fags

What do you mean lurk more and kys? is there some meme I am missing

I don't know if you're trolling, OP, but there's a point of etiquette in programming/IT such that you don't just ask someone how to do something, instead you try to figure out as much as you can, and if there's a very specific thing that is puzzling for a good reason (like you see specifically contradictory information and can't figure out why), and you can explain why you cannot figure it out (and have anticipated all the questions that you'll recieve about the question, like, "why didn't you try to look for ____?"), then you can ask a question. You're expected to be as resourceful as possible because for every question you ask someone, you are doubling the cost of the work - because you are putting two people on the job. This is a very established convention.

not op so thats the answer. thanks

Wow, you people are a fucking cult, I think I'll stick to plumbing


python is the only language I ever have fun in anymore


>dont enter software dev if you only like money
