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YES but the job should provide women to aid them as well.

Only if they're jerking off to the Zig programming language.

Honestly I've done it so fuck it why not, You remember wolf of wall street

Ok schizoid

Employees MUST jerk off at work

Ive done it

I do it at least once a week. Was easier when people were working from home. It's harder now the office is getting busy.

Corporate mandated gfs at last?!

True but its easier to get harder now too.

They might masturbate, but never finish. Cooming dulls your mind. Edging keeps you... well, on edge.

Life takes, life gives

It's like drugs, might as well regulate it, you can't prohibit it anyways

Shit, piss, cum, eat, drink, bathe yourself at work.

Logic: If you do those activities at home, then you're doing it for free. If you do it at work, you're basically getting paid to do things you would otherwise do for free.

It's that simple. Don't be a jannie.

Ancap paradise, Corporation in EvE style?
Or Capitalist Dystopia, with literal Wage Slavery?

They should provide a free prostitute to have a quick sex round to relieve stress and work better.

you can really do anything if you work from home

in an open office yes

I do when WFH

I work at a daycare
so... yes?

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Based manlet covering the *ACTUALLY* pressing issues of the day

How else are you supposed to relieve stress?
I masturbate at every break. Sometimes I'll sneak one in when things quieten down