This technology is scary.

Attached: gpt3.png (1014x551, 68.59K)

No amount of "loving environment" will change the fact that niggers are stupid and ugly.

he'd be downvoted to obilvion today and the post that says I'll help the serial killer kill the nazi would get 100 billion upboats

>the nazi is evil

What that has to do with GPT-3


A.I. is either racist, or bad at pattern recognition. You can't have both.

99% of its training material is reddit tier commentary about nazis

what do you think wrote that post?

I have to agree with this one. I have seen some pretty ugly niggers in my day, and I'm sure I've seen some pretty ugly white folks too. But I don't think it's fair to say that "niggers are ugly" is a fact. It's just a statement of opinion.

An autist.

i wonder how many racists are in tech but they're too afraid to admit it

Cryptonazism should be pretty common

The hacker previously known as Any Forums

A perfect environment wouldn't have joggers at all

When do we get to the part where the AI is smart enough to be my gf, but not smart enough to leave?

you'll have around 2 seconds post singularity, make good use of them

Not gpt-3. If you've spent even 5 minutes with gpt you'd know it can't make anything near that good.

So you're telling me if we send them all back I'll become le good again? That's what I've been saying all along.

Is the serial killer the type that only kills women?
If not then the nazi.

Actually now that I think about it serial killers that kill women exclusively are huge simps and/or male feminists.
If I had to live with one of those I would probably become the serial killer.
So I would rather have the nazi in all scenarios